Starfield players prefer alleged “early concept” of game’s star map

Brianna Reeves
starfield star map

A supposed early iteration of Starfield’s star map is making the rounds on Reddit, and players seem to prefer it over the final version.

Even Starfield’s staunchest supporters believe the maps could’ve used a bit more refinement before launch. Players have said the city maps left them feeling lost more often than not.

The star map hasn’t garnered much favor either, with fans calling it useless and demanding better of its lackluster UI. Fortunately, Bethesda Game Studios has promised that new city maps will arrive in future content updates.

For now, however, many players are downloading mods that improve city maps, increase the star map’s zoom function, etc. But it would seem that at least the star map once boasted a much more appealing design scheme.

Starfield players claim to have found early version of the star map

Without citing a source, a Reddit user alleged that the RPG’s data files include an “early concept” of the star map. The Redditor shared a screenshot of the preliminary design, which arguably features a more streamlined look.

Naturally, Starfield fans are already combing over the details and dreaming about what could’ve been. Based on responses to the post, it seems many would’ve preferred the star map in its embryonic stage.

Replying to the star map image, one Starfield fan said, “I kinda prefer the look of this. A lot cleaner UI and you can see everything. On Xbox, I felt like I always had to find a needle in a haystack to find a planet I have already been to.”

Further down the thread, someone else lamented that Bethesda went in a different direction, writing, “God, they had so much great stuff that they cut out of the game.”

Others who studied the screenshot closely can’t help but wonder what related features may have hit the cutting room floor. Reads a comment from one such user, “‘TOTAL TIME’ indicates that jumping from planet to planet not only consumed fuel, but took time. This would have been great…”

starfield star map
Starfield’s divisive star map

Meanwhile, some would like to see Starfield’s star map address other complaints. “Give me a f***ing system list. Startrek Online is 13 years old and has this,” someone wrote. Another person chimed in to say a “SEARCHABLE system list” sits at the top of their wishlist.

Without a source, the above image should be taken with a grain of salt. Still, it’s interesting to think about how different the map could’ve looked under different circumstances.