Ingenious Starfield trick lets you access one of the best spacesuits right away

Jake Nichols
A screenshot from the game Starfield

In the expansive universe of Bethesda’s Starfield, one clever trick grants players access to a top-tier spacesuit early in the game.

When it comes to Bethesda’s Starfield, the game is filled with hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Among these treasures is the Mark 1 Spacesuit, a high-quality armor set that not only looks sleek but also offers top-tier protection.

This spacesuit is securely locked away in a glass case in The Lodge’s basement, accessible only to those with ‘Master’ lockpicking skills.

However, thanks to an ingenious trick discovered by the community, you can now snag this elite gear right from the get-go—no lockpicking required.

How to get Mark 1 Spacesuit from The Lodge

While it may seem like you need to be a lockpicking savant to get your hands on this suit, one resourceful player found a loophole.

By simply positioning your in-game view through a tiny crack in the glass case, you can interact with the mannequin inside and acquire the Mark 1 Spacesuit, as well as the matching Mark 1 Pack and Mark 1 Helmet.

Apart from its impressive design, the Mark 1 Spacesuit offers robust protection against both physical and energy damage. It also provides thermal, corrosive, and radiation protection. This makes it one of the most versatile suits you can find early in the game. And the best part? You can continually upgrade it at a workbench, making it a long-term investment for your spacefaring journey.

This trick is likely an unintended game mechanic, and Bethesda is known for patching such exploits. So, if you’re looking to add this versatile spacesuit to your Starfield wardrobe, act now before a future update makes it accessible only by lockpicking.