Love Is Blind’s Marshall Glaze explains why he doesn’t post much about girlfriend Chay Barnes

Je'Kayla Crawford
Marshall from Love Is Blind and Chay

Marshall Glaze from Love Is Blind Season 4 just explained why he keeps his relationship with his girlfriend a secret.

Love Is Blind’s Marshall Glaze did not have the easiest run in Season 4. In fact, he was part of a very chaotic love triangle.

Ultimately, he did not get married at the finale. His partner Jackie Bonds parted ways before then, and she ended up starting a relationship with Josh Demas.

But, that does not mean that Marshall hasn’t found love. Not long after Season 4 wrapped, fans spotted him out with a new woman. He has been dating Dr. Chay Barnes for over a year now.

It isn’t easy maintaining a relationship in the spotlight. Yet, it seems like Marshall and Chay have implemented one key ingredient to make it work: privacy.

Does Love Is Blind’s Marshall keep his relationship private?

On August 1, Marshall spoke with us about his relationship with Chay and how they navigate it in the public eye.

He said, “Chay and I don’t allow social media to enter into our relationship. Those who follow me know who she is and she isn’t going anywhere. I’ll post her every once in a while because I want to but not because I have to or because the people want me to. What we have is special and it is between us. Keeping that sacred is a priority.”

The reality TV star added that he does receive online speculation about his sexuality.

Marshall said, “When it comes to speculation about my sexual preference, it gets quite annoying. However, I try not to let it get to me because I know the internet will always be the internet, and people will always talk.

“I know who I am and I love myself, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. What’s sad is that those who are looking to “expose” someone aren’t aware that they are making it so much harder for our queer and queer questioning peers.”

Love Is Blind is set to return to Netflix with Season 5 this September.

To stay updated on all things Love Is Blind and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.