Pokemon TCG fans thrilled as “wild” God Packs return for Shiny Treasure Ex

Nathan Ellingsworth
Promotional material for the Pokemon TCG Shiny Treasures ex set shows several shiny cards

As the latest Pokemon TCG set starts to hit the streets in Japan, many eager collectors are sharing their Pokemon TCG Shiny Treasure ex pulls, including the return of God Packs.

Pokemon fans are always on the lookout for amazing pulls from Pokemon TCG packs, but there are few things as good as the mythical “God Packs” that come along with certain sets. While ordinary Booster Packs might have one shiny, and perhaps even Secret Rare cards, God Packs are on another level.

Luckily for eager fans, the latest release known as Pokemon TCG: Shiny Treasure ex is starting to hit the streets in Japan, and fans are sharing videos of their pulls. If anyone was hoping that those extra-special God Packs might be making an appearance, you’re in for a treat.

The Pokemon TCG: Shiny Treasure ex set includes God Packs

A Pokemon fan opens a Shiny Treasure ex Booster Pack, and reveals several shiny cards

Several fans are sharing their first pulls, and one video has made its way online after being shared by Twitter user Zangafan including a look at a Booster Pack that features several Shiny cards in one package, far more than the regular one or even two Shiny cards that can appear with some luck.

These God Packs aren’t always guaranteed to make their way West when a set is translated sadly, so currently, we don’t know if the Pokemon TCG: Shiny Treasure ex companion set known as Pokemon TCG: Paldean Fates will have the same feature. While the set will have a lot of the same cards translated into English, they often feature differences when being brought to the West.

There is a glimmer of hope, however, as the recent Pokemon TCG: 151 set does feature God Packs in the West, with many English and American fans opening Booster Packs absolutely stacked full of Shiny cards, sometimes even including entire evolution lines such as Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard.

We still have a while to wait until the Pokemon TCG: Paldean Fates release date in the West, but the reveal of God Packs is a great sign, and many TCG fans will have their fingers crossed that this much-loved feature is on the way as well. For now, though, you may have to import a Shiny Treasures ex release if you hope to bag these gorgeous new Secret Rare cards and more.