Pokemon Go players want classic Gen 3 feature to return

Chris Studley
Kecleon from Pokemon Go

A Pokemon Go player recommended that Niantic bring back the Devon Scope — a feature from Ruby & Sapphire — in the future.

In Pokemon Go, trainers who want to fill out the PokeDex must tediously interact and swipe PokeStops to find Kecleon. Kecleon is a Gen 3 Pokemon with a knack for blending into its surroundings.

Additionally, one of the game’s Masterwork Research challenges tasks players to catch Kecleon, in order to complete the challenge and encounter one of the franchise’s most iconic Mythical creatures.

To make it easier to find Kecleon, one trainer brought up that Niantic should bring back an old Gen 3 feature.

kecleon pokemon

Pokemon Go trainer requests return of the Devon Scope

Reddit user “TheTeez23” suggested that Niantic should implement the Devon Scope in Pokemon Go to make it easier to catch Kecleon. In the third generation, the Devon Scope was introduced to find invisible Pokemon.

The author stated that Niantic should bring this feature back in the same mold as the Rocket Radar. This means it would scan the surrounding area for nearby Kecleon that can be found at PokeStops.

Trainers seemed to agree in response to the post but were doubtful that Niantic would implement such a feature. One player stated, “I’m sorry, but [that] would be beneficial to players. That’s against [Niantic’s] vision for the game.”

Another user added that the Devon Scope could also be useful for other features in Go, like Routes. “Also for routes. I have no idea if there are any routes just outside the ~100m radius on the routes map that I can’t even interact with.”

Kecleon spawns at PokeStops, but users must interact with the stop in order to see if one is actually there. Trainers do need to find several Kecleon in order to complete the Wish Granted Masterwork Research and encounter a Shiny Jirachi.

In other Pokemon Go-related news, the weekend of August 5 brings a new Timed Research challenge. And. the Go Fest in Osaka and London is underway.