The Finals players demand devs increase VRs capacity & usage

James Busby
The Finals character crouching down

The Finals community wants Embark Studios to increase the VRs cap and provide more purchasable content. 

The Finals VRs are the free to play currency that is earned by simply playing through the game. Unlike Multibucks, VRs are only used to purchase weapons and gadgets for the Light, Medium, and Heavy classes. 

Once players have purchased every unlockable, VRs have very little use and many players have already started to hit the 3k cap. This issue has led to the game’s community demanding that the VRs cap be lifted, while others have highlighted possible uses for this unspent currency. 

The Finals players want VRs cap lifted & more purchasable items

The Finals masked character with a gun
VRs are currently only used to unlock weapons and equipment.

“I feel like it would be fair if you could exchange 3k points for like 75 multibucks after you unlock everything,” said one player. “It’s an absolutely terrible exchange rate but it’s something to do once you’ve unlocked everything,  and it wouldn’t affect profits in a particularly negative way.”

Many other free to play games often enable players to purchase cosmetics with free currency, but at inflated prices. It’s this area, that many within The Finals community would like to see added. 

“They should allow buying non-legendary, non-set cosmetics at an inflated price of VRs,” one commenter noted. “There’s quite a bit of 300 and less cosmetics they could offer as a VRs dump, and give a little more content to free players.”

Others also agreed with this sentiment, echoing how uncapping the VRs limit would give players something to grind toward. “It would make more sense to uncap it and add a special store with old battlepass skins/stuff that you can buy there on mega high exchange rates. That would make people play the game even more and longer to get something they desire. Best win-win situation.”

Quite whether the developers will ever uncap the 3K VRs limit in the finals, but for now, you’ll need to wait until new weapons and gadgets drop to spend this currency.