Get ready for Dragon’s Dogma 2 with up to 84% off the original

Joel Loynds
dragon's dogma art featuring a demon being surrounded by heroes

With the sequel set for March, both Humble Bundle and GOG are running deals on Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen right now.

One of Capcom’s biggest cult classics, Dragon’s Dogma is finally getting a sequel. While the hype train for the second game is slowly pulling out the station, there’s still time to play the original.

Humble Bundle and Good Old Games are running sales with 83% and 84% off respectively.

You’ll be getting the complete package, with Dark Arisen being the enhanced version of the game released in 2013. It brought a huge amount of new content to the table, including a reusable item for fast travel.

It’s super easy to run on most modern systems, including a favorite of ours on the Steam Deck.

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen gets sweet 83% discount

Dragon's Dogma characters

Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be pulling a lot from the original, with a lot of the systems and battle tactics carrying over. If you want to get the jump on various monsters that infest the world, plus play one of the best Capcom games from recent memory, you should start here.

If you buy through Good Old Games, you’ll need to use either their Galaxy launcher or download the files directly. However, they’re DRM free, meaning you’re not limited by accounts or online activation. As long as you can access your files, you can do as you wish with them.

Meanwhile on Humble, this will simply redeem on Steam, perfect for quickly booting up on the Steam Deck or keeping your collection in one place.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 launches on March 22, 2024, almost 11 years after Dark Arisen. It’s been a long time coming, and the sequel looks to be capitilizing on everything that made the first game so good.

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