Sykkuno explains the odd reason why he wasn’t able to get into a Vegas nightclub

Alec Mullins
Sykkuno in Vegas

Sykkuno is one of the biggest names in streaming. His ascent to the top of the scene has been a long time coming, but that doesn’t mean that he’s famous enough to avoid some embarrassing public incidents. 

Sykkuno has amassed a huge following as a streamer over the last few years. While he’s been around the scene for quite some time, his explosion in popularity started back in 2019 and was further bolstered by the rising wave of Among Us in 2020.

While it might seem like 3.8 million Twitch followers is as good as gold in this day and age, there are still a few hurdles that internet fame can’t get you past… one of them being a Las Vegas bouncer.

It took some urging from his friends, but Sykkuno reluctantly agreed to go out for the night. When they got to the door of the club, however, things went a little off-the-rails. Every member of his group was allowed into the building except for him. While the rest of his friends were dressed appropriately for the occasion, his outfit wasn’t quite up to the establishment’s liking.

Sykkuno’s Vegas Nightclub story

It pays to have good friends, and it looks like Tony, or ‘AnthonyZ’ as he’s known on Twitch, stepped in to save the day this time. Being a fan of expensive clothing, Tony allowed Sykkuno to borrow some stuff out of his collection so that the night could roll on.

As a duo, Sykkuno and Tony are well known for their work together on the NoPixel GTA RP server, but it seems they make quite the pair in real life too. Sykkuno’s more laidback style was definitely under the microscope while they were hanging out, but he seemed to take it in good spirits.

Some clips of the two friends popped up on social media throughout their time in Vegas, including this one, which seems to corroborate Sykkuno’s story.

While he was clearly a little out of his comfort zone, he managed to adjust to the borrowed clothing well enough to give the story a happy end – or at least, as happy as it can be in a dark nightclub that you didn’t want to be at in the first place.

With that experience out of the way, the streamer can move on to the more important problems he’s facing as a content creator – like improving at Madden so he can stop getting roasted by Ludwig.