Modern Warfare 2 bans controversial Season 2 weapon from Ranked Play

Ryan Lemay

Infinity Ward restricted the ISO Hemlock from Ranked Play after it wreaked havoc and dethroned the TAQ-56 as the top AR.

Community members praised Treyarch for creating a fun and engaging competitive experience, but Ranked Play isn’t unblemished. Some CDL pros abandoned the mode due to an influx of hackers, and other players raised concerns over unbalanced matchmaking.

Season 2 added another unforeseen disturbance for Ranked Play. The ISO Hemlock slipped through CDL restrictions and dominated the mode’s first week.

Modern Warfare 2 devs remove ISO Hemlock from Ranked Play

Modern Warfare 2 ISO Hemlock AR
The ISO Hemlock was added with the Season 2 update in Modern Warfare 2.

Season 2 introduced the ISO Hemlock as a new weapon, unlocked via the Battle Pass. Players quickly discovered the AR’s devastating capability and used it to melt opponents in Ranked Play. Community members complained about the weapon’s incredible accuracy, TTK, and quick handling.

On February 22, Modern Warfare 2 added the ISO Hemlock and TAQ-V to the restricted weapons list, and fans rejoiced.

Treyarch added, “The ISO Hemlock and TAQ-V will appear unrestricted in custom loadouts but will be restricted in-game and show as restricted in loadouts once you’re in a match. Both weapons will be hidden in the custom loadout screen in a future update.”

CDL commentator Alan “Brice” Brice responded, “The Hemlock is banned on ranked! My goodness, that is fast. I will miss the game of Hemlock Chicken; see if the other team pulled it out first.”

Modern Warfare 2 content creator ProReborn added, “I can’t wait to see some people’s SR tank when it’s removed from Ranked.”

Several CDL social media teams joined in on the celebration as well.

We expect the meta to shift to players using the Vaznev 9-K or TAQ-56. Check out our best Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play loadouts so that you can adjust accordingly.