Asmongold slams WoW WotLK over frustrating server issues: “How does this happen?”

James Busby
Asmongold streaming

Popular Twitch streamer Asmongold has called out Blizzard for the frustrating server issues that are currently impacting WoW Classic’s Wrath of the Lich King expansion. 

WoW Classic’s Wrath of the Lich King expansion is in early access, giving players the opportunity to delve into the old-school content. However, the game’s community is currently experiencing a number of annoying issues that are preventing them from enjoying the expansion. 

The most frustrating problems are the long queue times and server slowdown – areas that Asmongold believes shouldn’t be a problem in 2022. In fact, the streamer has called out Blizzard over its treatment of the WotLK expansion. 

Asmongold calls out WoW Classic devs

During his recent stream, Asmongold reacted to a video that highlighted a number of problems within the WotLK expansion. It was here where the content creator gave his own opinion on the matter. 

“Welcome to my world where whenever you’re in a 20-man world PvP encounter in retail World of Warcraft, the servers stop working,” explained Asmongold. “F*ck, you could do an AoE pull and the servers lag. I feel like the servers are using all the same hamsters that they started with whenever the game came out — except they’re all dead.”

Timestamp of 3:32

While server issues often occur during high demand, it’s important to note that Wrath of the Lich King hasn’t even officially launched yet. Instead, the expansion is currently in its pre-patch phase, with the scheduled release set for September 26, 2022. 

“It’s insane, it’s absolutely crazy how bad these servers are,” said Asmongold. “Meanwhile, you can go over to Ashes of Creation alpha and they can have 100 people fighting a dragon, there’s no problem. How does this happen?” 

With the expansion’s release date being only weeks away, Blizzard doesn’t have too much longer to fix these issues in the pre-patch. Hopefully, these problems will be addressed before the official launch, but only time will tell.