Who is Victor Timely? Ant-Man 3 character explained

Victor Timely is a character from Marvel comics who appears to briefly pop-up at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantuania – but who is he, and how might be play into the future of the MCU?
Ant-Man 3 is in cinemas now, and you can read our review of the movie here. The titular heroes play second fiddle to villain Kang the Conqueror throughout the superhero sequel, who is played by Jonathan Majors.
A previous iteration of Kang appeared in Season 1 of Loki, where he was also played by Majors, called ‘He Who Remains.’ While with Kang being the villain through Phase 5 and Phase 6 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s likely we’ll see many more variations of the character in the movies and on TV going forward. Including his Victory Timely guise.
So without further ado, here’s who Victor Timely is in the comics, and also how we think he cameos in the film. Though this goes into plot territory, so beware of spoilers ahead…
Who is Victor Timely in the comics?
Victor Timely is… a variant of Kang the Conqueror. Kang has had many identities though the years in the comics, including Rama-Tut, Immortus, Scarlet Centurion, Iron Lad, and Baby Kang.
After the character had conquered everything within 100 light years of our planet, he travelled to 1901 earth, made America’s Wisconsin his home, and became Victor Timely.
Here’s how his story is described on Marvel.com: “As Victor Timely – brilliant inventor and industrialist – Kang Prime founded the city of Timely, Wisconsin, becoming its first mayor, and transformed it into a technological marvel over the next century. He builds factories and establishes Timely Industries, where he introduced basic principles of robotics and computer science to his staff. He oversaw their work and occasionally introduced new advancements in the field – at least they were new to his staff. No one was the wiser that Timeley was in fact from the future.”
While here’s how Marvel describes his powers: “He ages at a slightly slower rate than modern humanity and is more resistant to radiation’s effects, though he can be harmed by concentrated doses. He has access to his time’s technological advancements and time-travel equipment, and has mastered both. He is an expert strategist, a veteran of armed and unarmed combat, and has an indomitable will to succeed through struggle.
“As Timely, he seems to be of average height, strength, and stamina of a human his age, but as Kang Prime, his full-body armor gives him superhuman strength, force fields and it contains an array of weapons.”
So even though Victor doesn’t age, he appears to age, and replaces himself by pretending to be his own son and grandson as his comic book storyline progresses .
Is Victor Timely in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania?
Victor Timely appears in Ant-Man 3’s second post-credit scene. The Ant-Sting plays out in a theater in what looks like the early 1900s. A curtain opens, a man is onstage, and that man is played by Jonathan Majors, meaning he’s a Kang variant.
There’s a sign next to him that says his name – Victor Timely – and when his face is lit, he has the character’s trademark moustache, as well as a pair of glasses.
Victor says states that shapes our lives, and speculates that we might be able to shape it. Then the clip cuts to the audience, where Loki (Tom Hiddleston) whispers to Mobius (Owen Wilson) “It’s him.” Suggesting that the next time we see Kang the Conqueror, he’ll be Victor Timely in Season 2 of Loki. The scene ends with the words “KANG WILL RETURN” onscreen.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is in cinemas now, and you can check out more of our coverage below…
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