How old is Lucifer in Hazbin Hotel?

Gabriela Silva
Lucifer in Hazbin Hotel series.

A few questions about the Hazbin Hotel characters need to be answered – like Lucifer’s age. But it may not seem as obvious as it appears.

The Amazon Prime Video adult animated series has a unique spin on the battle between Heaven and Hell. You even see the grand story of how they all came to be and its main players like Lucifer and Lilith. Seeing as the series backlogs to the beginning of time and humanity, it brings up a few questions.

How old is Lucifer? His daughter, Charlie Morningstar, was estimated to be over 100 years old despite looking in her 20s. But what about her father? You already know his estimated height.

The question can get a bit tricky factoring in the creation of Heaven, Hell, humans, the world, and so much more. Let’s see if there’s a clear answer.

How old is Lucifer?

There’s no clear answer and for good reason, as Lucifer was likely created long before Earth or humankind.

According to the Hazbin Hotel fandom Wiki page, Lucifer’s age is simply described as being “older than Earth.” This makes sense as no one actually knows his real age in the series or religious scripture. He’s one of the original angels who was there when Earth came to be and when “God created humans.”

A quick Google search of how old the Earth is estimates it’s 4.543 billion years old. With no clear indicator of when or how God, angels, Heaven, or Hell supposedly came to be, it’s safe to say that no one will ever know how old Lucifer is.

In the first episode of Hazbin Hotel, Charlie tells the grand story about the creation of Hell. Lucifer was an enthusiastic angel who had big dreams and ideas. The story makes clear that Lucifer was shunned as he watched the angels expand the universe and create Adam and Lilith on Earth.

More details about Lucifer and Lilith’s pasts will likely be revealed as Hazbin Hotel is heading into Season 2.