Pokemon Go’s most annoying tasks are easy when you quit

Scott Baird
Pokemon Go's most annoying tasks are easy when you quit

Pokemon Go sometimes puts players through the wringer when they have to complete certain tasks, but it’s possible to speed the process up by quitting when you’re ahead.

In Pokemon Go, the player is often forced to repeat boring actions to complete tasks. Nowhere is this more annoying than when it involves evolving Pokemon, with creatures like Pancham requiring you to catch 32 Dark-type Pokemon as part of its evolution.

The most frustrating ones involve defeating certain kinds of Pokemon. Charcadet’s two evolutions in Pokemon Go require being set as a Buddy, then fighting either 30 Psychic-type Pokemon to evolve it to Armarouge or 30 Ghost-type Pokemon to evolve it to Ceruledge.

There is a simple method for evolving Pokemon that requires battles against specific types, like Pokemon Go’s version of Annihilape. To do this, you simply need to find a Rocket Grunt or Mentor with the correct type that you need to fight.

As pointed out in online fan discussions, if the type of Pokemon you need to face is one of the first two opponents, all you need to do is beat them and forfeit the match. You can then heal up and repeat the battle until you complete the evolution requirements.

This method drastically speeds up one of the most annoying tasks in the game, as waiting for a specific Pokemon type to appear in the wild can take forever, especially if you need to defeat a lot of them.

The same method can also be used for Research Tasks involving feeding berries to Pokemon. You don’t need to catch them; just feed them the berry and run away, and it will count towards your completion. This tip is especially helpful in areas full of wild Pokemon you already own.

With this tip in mind, you should be able to complete some of the more frustrating evolutions in Pokemon Go, so long as you find an NPC trainer with the right team.

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About The Author

Scott has been writing for Dexerto since 2023, having been a former contributor to websites like Cracked, Dorkly, Topless Robot, Screen Rant, The Gamer, and TopTenz. A graduate of Edge Hill University in the UK, Scott started as a film student before moving into journalism. Scott specializes in Pokemon, Nintendo, DnD, Final Fantasy, and MTG. He can be contacted on LinkedIn.