Pokemon Go players furious after compiling all gameplay changes from past year

Philip Trahan
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One Pokemon Go fan compiled a list of every major gameplay change developer Niantic made to the game in the past year, leaving fans fuming.

The Pokemon Go player base is going through tumultuous times lately, which follow Niantic’s decision to increase the price of Remote Raid Passes and limit their uses.

Since then, players have not shied away from expressing their misgivings about some of the recent changes and hiccups the developer has made in the weeks since.

Now, one Pokemon trainer has compiled a list of all the major gameplay changes Niantic made to Pokemon Go over the past year to put things into perspective for the community.

Pokemon Go fan lists out Niantic’s controversial changes

A post on the Pokemon Go subreddit gained the attention of fellow trainers after one user made a post with the caption, “These are the changes from the past year. If they launched them all at once like this, would it be just a loud minority that would be complaining?”

The OP created an image to accompany the post made to look like a regular update email from Niantic, but with the idea that each of these spread-out decisions was implemented in one singular update.

Among the changes were things like “Community Days will last for 3 hours instead of 6” and “Weekly 1 Coin Box will be removed.”

Funnily enough, the post actually brought some unnoticed changes to players’ attention, like one trainer who said, “I didn’t know incense didn’t work while stationary anymore, but that makes a lot of sense now. That sucks.”

With a clear view of these gameplay adjustments laid out before them, many voiced their frustrations in the reply section. “This visual actually displays the level of cleverness this company has. They slowly and stealthily add more and more detriments to the game over time. This recent update just happened to be a wake-up call for us players.”

The OP admitted that this thought process was the motive behind creating the image in the first place.

“Nerfs and negative changes are sprinkled around in a way that when they hit, it will always be just a ‘loud minority b*tching’ that can easily be belittled or dismissed. Just something to think about for the next time they hit us with another ‘not THAT bad’ change.”