Ghost-type mass outbreak coming to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Ghost-type Pokemon will be coming to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet as part of the game’s first-ever Halloween event, with an increased chance of catching Shiny versions of these scary creatures in the Paldea and Kitakami regions.
The Pokemon Company has announced that the first Halloween event for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet will involve a mass outbreak of Ghost-type Pokemon across the Paldea region and the land of Kitakami for those with access to The Teal Mask DLC.
Mass outbreaks happen randomly in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. These can be spotted on the map, and when they begin, the chances of certain Pokemon appearing are increased, giving players more of a shot at catching something they need for their Pokedex.
More importantly, Mass Outbreaks increase the chances of Shiny Pokemon appearing. If the player can defeat or catch 20-30 Pokemon during a Mass Outbreak, an additional Shiny roll is applied to Pokemon, with another Shiny roll added if the player beats another 20-30 Pokemon.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s first Halloween event brings Ghost-type Pokemon to the Paldea & Kitakami regions
A new post on the Serebii Twitter page has revealed that the first Halloween event in Pokemon & Scarlet will run from October 27 to October 31. This event will cause mass outbreaks of Ghost-type Pokemon to spawn in the Paldea region and the land of Kitakami from The Teal Mask DLC.
The Ghost-type Pokemon confirmed for the Halloween event include Mimikyu, Greavard, Phantump, and Drifloon. All of these Pokemon have a chance of possessing the Crafty Mark. It’s likely that more Ghost-type Pokemon will be part of the event when it goes live.
There is also a new Tera Raid battle that will run in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet throughout the Halloween event. This includes a 5-Star Raid Battle against a Ghost Tera Type Mismagius, with a chance of earning Rare Candy as a reward.
Pokemon Go is also hosting its Halloween event in 2023, with Dark-type and Ghost-type Pokemon swarming the land. The spooky season has arrived, so there’s no better time for the scariest Pokemon to descend when night falls, as Paldea and Kitakami will soon be swarming with Ghost-types.