Overwatch: Torbjörn ultimate backfires spectacularly on teammates thanks to ‘Play Of The Century’ from Genji

Ross Deason

Every Overwatch player has a Play Of The Game (POTG) that they look back on fondly and like to believe is on-par with some of the best ever made.

Most would admit that that isn’t really the case, though. However, one particular Genji play that has been making the rounds online may well deserve the ‘Play Of The Century’ tag that some users have been putting on it.

The play in question was originally shared by ‘KirbyMatkatamiba’ on Reddit, with the user stating that they had indeed been told that “this was the Play Of The Century.”

KirbyMatkatamiba Genji had just jumped behind a Reinhardt shield to deflect a deluge of Bastion’s bullets, but the player quickly found that they were outnumbered and outmatched, especially when an enemy Torbjörn joined the fray.

KirbyMatkatamiba inevitably died to the onslaught of opponents but just moments before dropping to the ground, the player somehow managed to deflect Torbjörn’s new ultimate, and all hell broke loose!

The new Torbjörn ultimate, which spray molten lava onto the map, has taken some getting used to since its introduction, and we’re willing to bet that the deflected attack came as a surprise to KirbyMatkatamiba’s opponents, especially when they started to go up in flames at the hands of a player that was quite clearly dead on the floor in front of them.

If this wasn’t enough to get under the skin of KirbyMatkatamiba’s enemies, it looks like the player’s Mercy teammate was swooping in to revive them at the end of the clip, so the Genji player never even had the decency to die properly!