Overwatch 2 bug causes Doomfist to fall through map despite Season 9 hotfix

Jeremy Gan
doomfist in overwatch 2

A confusing Overwatch 2 Doomfist bug is causing the hero to fall through the map, instantly dying instead of doing any damage. 

When it comes to heroes with constant bugs, unfortunately, Doomfist is one of the more unfortunate characters on the roster. After all, a character that mostly punches, blocks, and ground slams is likely to run into a few problems within any FPS.

Despite receiving some bug fixes in a hotfix patch early in Season 9, it still seems some bugs have slipped through the cracks for the devs. 

And in yet another bug found by players, a confusing glitch is causing Doomfist players to fall through the map when using their ult, completely negating it. 

Posted by a player on the Overwatch 2 subreddit they found that when they were using their ult, Meteor Strike, if the centre of the strike was walled off with a Mei Wall, they would fall through the map. 

However, this initially confused players on the forum, as anybody who has seen this interaction play out before would know experienced Mei players do this to mitigate damage from the strike rather than to cause the unfortunate bug. 

Players concluded there must have been a glitch as in both instances in the video, Doomfist sandwiched between Mei’s Wall and a ceiling, causing the fall into oblivion. 

Despite the potentially game-breaking bug, it didn’t stop Overwatch’s community from joking about it, albeit at the expense of Doomfist mains. 

“Finally, a HARD counter for Doomfist ult!” a player commented sarcastically. “At this point devs just hate Doom,” another said. 

Luckily, a mid-season patch for Season 9 is coming on March 12, so perhaps a fix for the bug may be coming with it.