Monster Hunter Now lock-on concept could change battles for good

Jessica Filby
LBG vs Rathalos in MHN

One Monster Hunter Now player has devised a new concept to improve the game’s lock-on feature, and players can’t get enough of the idea.

Monster Hunter Now is all about its battles, you’ll need them to gain more resources, increase your power, level up, and so much more. However, some players do often have a tough time battling certain monsters, especially when attempting to lock on to their weak points.

Lock-on is already a feature in Monster Hunter Now, but one player has taken to the game’s Reddit to reveal their potentially game-changing concept, and players are obsessed.

“Instead of frantically tapping the wrong part, wouldn’t this be a much better way for the skill” asked the player, going on to add: “It’s not like it gives us an advantage on broken parts too, since that information is already in our journals in-game. Since it’s a UI implementation, it shouldn’t be difficult to add/fix the current.”

In the image, they revealed a larger shot of the monster’s anatomy, in a similar design to the World Monster Journal. As highlighted, players would be able to tap the body parts they want to lock onto and certain breakable or broken aspects can be shown off too.

The design itself would allow fans the chance to lock onto the monster’s weak points and could both introduce some brand new tactics as well as a chance for struggling players to thrive.

Naturally, fans were obsessed with the idea, with many taking to the comments to add: “I actually like this! This just makes the lock much more straightforward” while another commented: “Solid idea. Needs some perfecting and testing but with some explanation any newcomer would understand it. Fits the fast-paced combat of mhnow perfectly.”

However, some were worried about its implementation, with fans arguing that “The icon would obscure the monster most of the time, try doing this with Deviljho.” Its implementation would have to be carefully considered to avoid UI clutter.

Currently, there’s been no word regarding any change to the lock-on system in Monster Hunter Now, but it’s clear players would be thrilled to see some major changes.