Tyler1 is so obsessed with League of Legends it’s giving him actual nightmares

Connor Bennett
Tyler1 talking to Twitch chat

Twitch star Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp revealed that his lengthy League of Legends sessions have been disrupting his sleep, as he’s been having nightmares about the popular MOBA.

League of Legends has been, at points, the biggest game on Twitch – especially in regards to the competitive scene. Though, the casual scene is pretty big in its own right.

There are plenty of streamers who play Riot’s popular MOBA for hours on end, but there are none bigger than Tyler1.

His signature trash talk and rage has propelled him to become one of the faces of League, but, when he plays for too long, the action on Summoner’s Rift actually bleeds into his sleep – and even keeps him up at night.

Tyler1 has been a huge name in League of Legends for years.

T1 had only just kicked off his December 1 stream when he brought up just how much League has started disrupting his sleep, leading him to have a “trash” night’s rest.

“Bro, I swear to God, if I do anything League-related for 10 hours, I f**king dream about this b**tard game and it’s a nightmare every time,” he said. “Like, I’m not kidding.”

He noted that, at times, he’ll be trying to drift off to sleep but it won’t happen for a few hours. And, when he eventually starts to do so, League just pops right back into his thoughts.

“Sometimes, I have nightmares where I’m playing Leagues for 50 minutes right, and it’s like back and forth. My team ends up losing and I wake up. For a split second, I think I lost and it’s almost to the point where I check my OP.GG to make sure it was a dream,” Tyler noted. “I think I’m losing my f**king mind.”

Some fans quickly laughed at his situation, suggesting that it’s time for him to delve into variety streaming to avoid having any more League-related nightmares.

Though, who knows if that’ll ever happen on a full-time basis. T1 has dabbled in Fortnite before, but, that didn’t go to plan at all.