GenG Chovy reveals he’s scared of getting shot during US stay for LoL Worlds 2022

Carver Fisher
GenG Chovy scared shot Worlds 2022

GenG Chovy, mid laner for the first seed team from Korea at Worlds 2022, has voiced his fears of getting shot while competing at Worlds in the United States.

Chovy has long been one of the most popular mid laners in Korea, gaining a large following internationally due to his incredibly strong laning and individual skill.

He was a huge part of GenG Grand Finals win over T1 in the LCK Summer Playoffs, making him one of the top rated mid laners by analysts and fans worldwide. However, he’s still nervous going into Worlds 2022 for reasons outside of the game.

In a video posted to Weibo and subsequently posted onto Reddit before getting deleted, Chovy revealed that he hopes he doesn’t get shot during his time competing in the United States.

GenG Chovy is concerned for his safety at Worlds 2022

Worlds 2022 will take place in North America for the first time in years. The full tour will take Worlds competitors from Mexico City to New York City, then to Atlanta, and finally to San Francisco for the Finals.

Every team in attendance worked hard to get to the top of their region, but Chovy in particular has voiced concerns about his personal safety while he’s in the US.

When asked what he expects from his trip to the US, Chovy answered, “I hope I won’t get shot”.

What’s more, the original poster of this video clip on Weibo also claims that Chovy had additional concerns that he voiced during his livestream.

According to the comment from the Weibo account, Chovy said he’s prepared to cut his own hair out of fear that going to the barber shop.

GenG have already qualified for the Group Stage, meaning they won’t have to compete in Mexico City. However, if GenG make a run all the way to the Finals, Chovy and the rest of his team will be travelling to and competing in three different cities in the US.