Helldivers 2 Stratagems tier list: Best Stratagems to use

If you’re looking for the best Stratagems to choose from before jumping into the battlefield, our Helldivers 2 Stratagem tier list has got you covered.
Like the original game, Helldivers 2 has a set of Stratagems or abilities you can call down during missions. While some supply you with more ammo and better firearms, others grant airstrikes, turrets, and various items that aid you in overcoming in-game challenges.
However, choosing the best Stratagems to use is a daunting task. To make it easier, our Helldivers 2 Stratagem tier list has sorted the best Defensive, Mission, Offensive, and Supply Stratagems you must use to fight for democracy, freedom, and liberation.
Helldivers 2 Stratagem tier list
Tier | Stratagems |
S | Railgun, Orbital Laser, Eagle Airstrike, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Quasar Cannon, Guard Dog Rover, Shield Generator Pack, Patriot Exosuit |
A | EMS Mortar Sentry, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher, Eagle 500kg Bomb, Railcannon Strike, Autocannon Sentry, Mortar Sentry, Arc Thrower, Expendable Anti-Tank, Recoilless Rifle, Stalwart, Laser Cannon, MLS-4X Commando |
B | Emancipator Mech, Orbital Gas Strike, Orbital Precision Strike, Machine Gun, Napalm Airstrike, 380MM HE Barrage, Rocket Sentry, Gatling Sentry, HMG Emplacement, Anti-Materiel Rifle, B-1 Supply Pack |
C | Jump Pack, Guard Dog, Flamethrower, Machine Gun Sentry, Orbital Walking Barrage, Orbital Gatling Barrage, Shield Generator Relay, Incendiary Mines, Orbital Airburst Strike, Orbital EMS Strike, Eagle Strafing Run, Heavy Machine Gun, 120MM HE Barrage, Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods, Spear Launcher, Tesla Tower, RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher, Orbital Smoke Strike, Eagle Smoke Strike |
D | Anti-Personnel Minefield, Ballistic Shield Backpack |
Our tiers explained
- S: The very best Stratagems
- A: Not the top but still ideal in fights
- B: There might be situations where these can perform well
- C: There aren’t too many situations where this works well
- D: Best to avoid unless you find yourself drawn to them
Thankfully, for the most part, the Helldivers 2 stratagems don’t change too much, meaning they’re unlikely to shift to any other tier. However, new patches are always on the way, so if anything changes, we’ll update this. Be sure to check back soon to see if you can improve your fight for liberty.
Helldivers 2 S-Tier Stratagems
RS-422 Railgun

The Railgun is undeniably one of the best weapons in Helldivers 2. It’s capable of dealing some incredible damage, and with its armor penetration, you can destroy even the toughest of Terminids or Automatons.
Being able to call on multiple Railguns allows you to share them among the team too, which is extremely valuable. Ultimately, if an enemy is eluding you or just not going down, the Railgun will put an end to it.
Orbital Laser

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to take a Bile Titan or Charger down with grenades or an Orbital Precision Strike only to keep missing due to their faster movement. This is where the Orbital Laser comes in.
With its quick call-in time, multiple uses, and powerful nature, you’re able to focus on the toughest of enemies without needing to waste any bullets. Essentially, this fires down a strong singular laser that sweeps across a condensed area, wiping out hordes or heavily damaging that Bile Titan when you need it the most.
Eagle Airstrike

It may not seem like the most powerful Stratagem out the in terms of damage, and that’s because it isn’t. However, with an incredibly quick recharge rate, more concentrated blast radius, and mid-range damage, this quickly becomes one of the best Stratagems in Helldivers 2.
Not only can you unlock it early on in the game, but this Stratagem is perfect for clearing bug nests, hordes, or really anything that begins to overwhelm you. Unlike the Cluster Bomb, you can stay relatively close, and keep taking down the enemies that manage to survive its blast.
Eagle Cluster Bomb

Working similarly to the Orbital Laser, the Eagle Cluster Bomb is a fast, effective, and extremely powerful way to take down hordes of smaller enemies. It may not destroy buildings, but there are few Stratagems that excel in clearing out bug nests or Automaton camps quite like this one.
Sure, it’s not too effective on bigger enemies, but this is one of those backups every Helldiver needs. After all, the majority of Helldiver deaths occur from being swarmed, rather than singular targets.
LAS-90 Quasar Cannon

Not all Stratagem weapons feel worth it in Helldivers 2. But the Quasar cannon isn’t one of them. This deadly energy weapon isn’t to be underestimated and is fantastic to have by your side. As an energy weapon, there’s no ammo, meaning you’ve got an unlimited source of death to rain onto the Terminids or Automatons.
Sure, it’s got an extremely long cooldown time and charge-up time, but the power and unlimited ammo make it so worth it. Especially against larger targets.
AX-LAS-5 “Guard Dog” Rover

Tons of backpack Stratagems retain their power in Helldivers 2, and you’ll have a hard time choosing the best one. However, if you go for the Guard Dog Rover, then it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll never regret it.
To put it simply, the Guard Dog Rover Stratagem acts much like another Helldiver, whose sole job is to protect you. With this Stratagem equipped, you don’t need to waste your bullets on the smaller Terminids, as it’ll take them down for you. It’s not as effective against Automatons, but with very few recharge moments, it’s always worth having extra damage.
SH-32 Shield Generator Pack

If the Guard Dog Rover or added damage isn’t what you’re looking for, then the Shield Generator Pack is your next must-have. It acts as a fantastic shield, blocking any Automaton projectiles or frustrating bile attacks from the Terminids.
Sure, it does have a limited lifeline, but by the time this shield drops, you’ll be well out of the deadly combat, giving you all the time in the world to recharge it. Whether you’re diving into a Terminid or Automaton fight, if you don’t have a backpack slot filled, then fill it with the Shield Generator Pack.
EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit

When the Exosuits were first added to Helldivers 2, it’s safe to say they were pretty rubbish. Its lack of aim, limited ammo, and extremely low health stuck it at D in our tier list. However, since then it’s received various updates and buffs, and has now cemented itself as a top tier Stratagem.
With an instant call-in time, tons of powerful weapons, and some impressive health to boot, you’re able to feel like an unstoppable machine as you face the Devastators or Bile Titans head-on. Sure, it’s not quick or too easy to navigate, but why would you need that when you can stand there and shoot everything to oblivion?
Helldivers 2 A-Tier Stratagems
A/M-23 EMS Mortar Sentry

Sentries are renowned for their unreliability in Helldivers 2. Most of the time they get one or two shots off before succumbing to three hits, making it a bit of a waste. As such, it’s vital to prioritize those with higher armor and protection, as well as power.
The EMS Mortar Sentry is one such Stratagem. It’s got some impressive durability and being a Mortar Sentry, it’ll fire powerful EMS shots, slowing down the advance of enemies. Naturally, being EMS, it’s best used on Automatons, but you can always try it with Terminids instead.
AC-8 Autocannon

The Autocannon has only just missed out on being S tier, due to its limited ammo and high cooldown time. However, that doesn’t make it any less powerful, as this badass weapon can take down a Bile Titan with a few well-placed shots.
Thanks to its support backpack, you’re able to gain a few extra ammo, but that does inhibit your backpack slot, which isn’t worth losing out on. On top of this, the armor penetration is brilliant against most enemies, making it an ideal backup for that one pesky powerful bug or robot.
GL-21 Grenade Launcher

If you’re working to clear bug holes or robot encampments, then the Grenade Launcher is the best Stratagem to choose. It grants you tons of grenades to use and works as a longer-ranged tactic to close certain bug holes or destroy buildings.
Sure, it’s primarily situational, but if you’re heading into that kind of mission, then you’ll want to make this Stratagem a priority.
Eagle 500kg Bomb

Whether the Eagle 500kg Bomb is in A-tier because of its power or how cool it looks to walk away from an explosion this big is up to you to decide.
Regardless, this insanely powerful Stratagem is a must choose for harder levels. It’ll help destroy Bile Titans, Tanks, and so much more, all while looking cool doing so. Sure, it’s not as powerful as it could be, and the limited radius can make hitting a Bile Titan hard, but if done right, this is a great Stratagem to choose.
Orbital Railcannon Strike

With the Railcannon weapon cementing itself in S-tier, it only makes sense to see the Orbital Railcannon Strike sitting in A. The only reason it’s not higher up is because Pelican One is shooting it, rather than the player having control over who they fire at.
Luckily, the Railcannon Strike does aim at the largest target, so you can still know roughly where it’s about to hit.
A/AC-8 Autocannon Sentry

The Autocannon Sentry may lack in agility and overall health, but it certainly makes up for it with power. Just like the Autocannon weapon, this Sentry certainly packs a punch against heavily armored enemies like Tanks or Chargers.
If you’re looking for a powerful Sentry to have at higher levels, then the Autocannon is a great Stratagem to choose.
A/M-12 Mortar Sentry

Similar to the Autocannon Sentry, the Mortar Sentry can certainly pack a punch. It’s able to work behind cover, upping its health a little, and can be extremely useful for long-ranged assaults.
However, if you manage to get swarmed, then it’s highly likely that you’ll see a few Mortars coming your way, meaning you’ll need to plan attacks accordingly, which can be a bit of a pain.
ARC-3 Arc Thrower

Speaking of friendly fire, the Arc Thrower is pretty skilled with that particular frustration. While it’s certainly strong, has unlimited ammo, and can hit multiple targets, you’re always in danger of hitting another player if they step into the fray.
That being said, if you’re careful with your aim and communicate with the other Helldivers, then this weapon is a fantastic Stratagem to choose.
EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank

Sure, Autocannons are useful, but they don’t always take out an enemy, or reveal its weaknesses. This is where the Expendable Anti-Tank Stratagem comes in.
Bringing some speedy cooldown times and call-in items, the Expendable Anti-Tank is capable of destroying a highly armored enemy, from a Charger to a Bile Spewer’s armored back. Sure, it’s not got tons of ammo, but if you need a quick yet deadly weapon, this is the one.
GR-8 Recoilless Rifle

If power is the aim then the Recoilless Rifle is the weapon for the job. There’s no denying this great weapon packs a punch, especially if you have another Helldiver looking after the backpack.
On top of this, its short call-in time makes it ideal for fast-paced scenarios, even if the cooldown time can pose a few issues.
M-105 Stalwart

More bullets equals more damage. What the Stalwart lacks in power, it makes up for with speed, fast reloads, and enough bullets to take down plenty of tougher enemies.
It’s worth noting, that you’re likely better off going for some of the better primary and secondary weapons in Helldivers 2, but if you’re looking for a third, then the Stalwart is worth considering.
LAS-98 Laser Cannon

Few things are better than a weapon with unlimited ammunition. The Laser Cannon is perfect for consistent damage, allowing you to fire one continuous beam at the enemy. However, it’s not too effective against hordes.
Thankfully, it has a great call-in time and deals enough damage to firmly place it in A-tier. Though, be careful to not get too trigger-happy, as overheating can be extremely frustrating and time-consuming.
MLS-4X Commando

It’s all well and good having a powerful Stratagem weapon until you miss the target and have to wait 480 seconds to get a new one. Luckily, the Commando eliminates that for you with its four laser-guided missiles.
This is the kind of weapon you’ll want to use from a longer range, before diving into a base or an objective. It’ll expertly clear out the enemies you need to kill, and will be able to be called in again in just 120 seconds, making it ideal for stealthier runs.
Helldivers 2 B-Tier Stratagems
EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit

The Patriot Exosuit ranks S-tier as a Helldivers 2 Stratagem. Unfortunately, the Emancipator Exosuit leaves a lot to be desired in comparison, and you’re much better off going for the Patriot.
This is primarily due to the slowness of the Exosuit and its autocannon weapons. It may have more armor and more protection, but you’re left vulnerable from its speed and unable to really open fire thanks to the autocannons.
Orbital Gas Strike

From a first look, it seems that the Orbital Gas Strike is pretty powerful, reducing bugs and robots to shriveling corpses. However, once you give it a try, you’ll quickly realise this Stratagem can barely wipe out a Hunter, making it relatively useless at higher levels.
Sure, it has unlimited uses and can prove to be pretty useful and fun at lower difficulties, but its power does drop off.
Orbital Precision Strike

The Orbital precision strike is a classic for Helldivers 2. The Stratagem is among the first you’re likely to use and remains pretty reliable as you level up and try different builds or difficulties.
It’s strong, unlimited, and quick to refresh. However, in a similar way to the Gas Strike, it can quickly drop off in power, and makes way for some other stronger Stratagems, like the Orbital Laster or Eagle Airstrike.
MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun

While the ‘more bullets means more damage’ statement worked with the Stalwart, it unfortunately doesn’t apply here. Especially when you explore the “difficult-to-wield” nature of its handling and control.
Sure, more bullets are fun, but when the recoil is as terrible as the Heavy Machine Gun, it can leave you missing more than you hit. If you’ve got a good aim, or a horde, this is ideal, if not, it’s best left behind.
Eagle Napalm Airstrike

Napalm is a fantastic Stratagem to use, it’s powerful, deadly, and lasts just long enough to destroy most smaller enemies in front of you. The only reason it sits at B-tier is its lack of versatility as it’s terrible on Automatons.
When fighting Terminids, this can absolutely destroy a variety of enemies, from large to small – but place a load of robots down and you’ll be sorely disappointed.
Orbital 380MM HE Barrage

The Orbital 380mm HE Barrage is much like the Orbital Laser, but with a lot more damage, and an even higher radius. If it wasn’t for the high cooldown time and extremely large radius, this Stratagem would be in S-tier.
It’s strong and undeniably deadly, but the amount of damage it does to a team is usually the cause of much frustration. Combine that with the 240-second cooldown, and you’re better off using the Orbital Laser.
A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry

The Rocket Sentry is a powerful alternative to its quick-fire siblings and could help you take down tougher enemies, like Devastators or Chargers. It’s certainly powerful, and its instant call-in time will be a blessing when you really need it.
Unfortunately, with the low health and slow fire rate, the Rocket Sentry doesn’t usually last long in an intense battle. It may fell a larger enemy before it explodes, but there’s no guarantee.
A/G-16 Gatling Sentry

The Gatling Sentry becomes a favorite among a lot of first-time Helldivers. It’s fast rate of fire and powerful hits give off the impression that it’s worth using. Especially given the 180-second cooldown.
While it’s still a worthy Stratagem, the health is far too low, and its tendency to mow down your fellow Helldivers could lead to quite a bit of frustration.
E/MG-101 HMG Emplacement

Similarly to the Gatling Sentry, don’t let the high rate of fire fool you into thinking this is a worthy damage-dealing Stratagem. Sure, it’s powerful against lightly armored enemies, but the lack of movement is sure to force a few reinforcements in a tougher battle.
This Stratagem is a lot of fun to use, which is why it’s in B-tier. It’s fun, relatively strong, and helps in certain situations. Just don’t expect it to save you in an intense horde.
APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle

Sniper rifles pose a new way to enjoy Helldivers 2. For those who prefer a stealthier adventure, the Anti-Materiel Rifle could be a new favorite. It’s certainly a strong weapon to use and will take down enemies from afar.
Interestingly, the issue doesn’t come from the weapon’s power, but rather when you’d find the time to use it. Playing a longer-ranged sniper in Helldivers 2 is extremely tricky, and many find themselves never really picking this Rifle up unless they’re forcing its use. If this is the playstyle you prefer, it’s worth it. If not, best to look into other avenues.
B-1 Supply Pack

Helldivers 2 may be all about spreading democracy, but you can’t do that without ammunition, stims, and grenades. As such, acting like the groups personal resupply is never a bad idea, especially if you don’t have any other backpack Stratagems to use.
If you do have other backpack Stratagems, then they’re always a better decision. Resupply’s don’t take too long to drop, and if you’re careful, you’ll never really more ammo, whereas you can always use more damage or protection.
Helldivers 2 C-Tier Stratagems
Lift-850 Jump Pack

With the inability to press a specific button to jump, it can be easy to assume the Jump Pack is a game changer in terms of maneuverability and avoiding attacks. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case.
Aside from the ability to escape specific attacks, this will do nothing against Bile Spewers, Hunters, or even any Automaton that can shoot a gun. You’re far from protected and have wasted a vital backpack slot so you can look cool shooting an enemy, without giving yourself any major advantage.
AX/AR-23 “Guard Dog”

The Guard Dog equipped with an assault rifle should only be used if you’ve accidentally selected the Stratagem when you meant to choose the Guard Dog Rover.
With limited bullets, the inability to shoot what you actually need it to kill, and an incredibly slow recharge time, this Guard Dog is definitely best left on the ship. Preferably to practice its aim and ammo capacity.
FLAM-40 Flamethrower

Flamethrowers are extremely fun to use, they promote some great lines from your Helldivers and look awesome as you burn those bugs to oblivion. Unfortunately, that’s where the power stops.
As explained in the Stratagem description, this only works at close range, so you’d assume it was strong? You’d assume wrong. At any level, this weapon just fails to do any real damage to the enemy and leaves you stranded in front of them ready to be reinforced before you have time to reevaluate your Stratagem choices.
A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry

To understand why the Machine Gun Sentry is in C-tier, simply assess all the other Sentry turrets’ failings and multiply them. Sure, this one is agile and fires plenty of bullets, but none are stronger than the Gatling, and the health is a pittance of what it should be.
It’s a helpful Stratagem to have by your side if you need it, but there are so many better options out there than the Machine Gun Sentry.
Orbital Walking Barrage

One of the best things about Orbital lasers or precision strikes is the knowledge that, if a Helldiver is near it, they can simply get out of the way. Now make the death beam Stratagem move in random directions with very little warning. That’s a recipe for a very frustrated group of soldiers.
Sure, it’s particularly useful for Bile Titans and Tanks, as it can move with them, but outside of those niche uses, there’s no need for it to be there.
Orbital Gatling Barrage

On paper, the Orbital Gatling Barrage is wonderful. Who needs a Gatling Sentry when it can fire from the sky? Especially with such a short call-in time and cooldown time.
However, when you try it out, you’ll quickly find it to be relatively useless, especially at higher levels. Sure it’ll take out a few bugs or robots, but those higher armored enemies or nimble ones will be completely fine and ready to demolish the Helldivers in front of it. You’re better off going for more devastating AoE Stratagems, like the Eagle Airstrike.
FX-12 Shield Generator Relay

The Shield Generator Relay would be fantastic if it was in any game other than Helldivers 2. Protecting your party sounds ideal, and forming a bubble like this is guaranteed to aid in their survival.
But, when you consider the small circle it encompasses and the extremely small lifespan, you’ll quickly realize that you should have picked the Shield generator backpack instead.
MD-I4 Incendiary Mines

Incendiary Mines, otherwise known as the source of all rage quits or intentional friendly fire. This Stratagem is about as defensive as hiding inside a building to get away from a Charger.
While some may assume it’s great to lay a trap for the upcoming forces, it quickly becomes clear that one engaged mine will bring both the terrain, targets, and an unfortunate Helldiver along with it.
In a game like Helldivers, where one small mishap has you surrounded by enemies, it’s not wise to add Incendiary Mines to an already deadly mix.
Orbital 120mm HE Barrage

This works much in the same way as the 380mm HE Barrage, except it’s not as powerful. The only thing that could make up for the lack of power is its call-in time and cooldown time, but fans will quickly notice that that’s only one second quicker than its 380mm counterpart.
If it comes between choosing the 120mm HE Barrage or the 380mm, the latter should win every single time.
Orbital Airburst Strike

The majority of the C-tier Stratagems in Helldivers 2 are placed there purely due to their inability to improve on other Stratagems like them. In the Orbital Airburst Strikes case, you’re better off using an Eagle Airstrike or a Cluster Bomb.
Now of course, this one rains shrapnel down on enemies, exploding in the sky rather than the ground, but its lack of armor damage renders it useless among most stronger enemies, and therefore not worth it.
Orbital EMS Strike

EMS is great, primarily for Automatons rather than Terminids. EMS is for robots, Napalm is for bugs. However, as is the theme of C-tier, anything the EMS Strike can do, an Eagle Airstrike or other EMS Stratagem can do better.
Stunning an enemy is fine, and stops it in its tracks, but without any extra damaging qualities, you’re left doing the hard work yourself. So, it’s better to ignore this Stratagem and just mow down those robots with something else.
Eagle Strafing Run

Ultimately, if you have the Rover Guard Dog backpack on, then there’s no need for Eagle Strafing Run to exist. Employing a Stratagem that only has five uses to take down smaller targets is a complete waste of time and resources.
Hordes of small enemies can get overwhelming, but with the right weapon and a Rover Guard Dog, they’re not enough of a problem to warrant a Stratagem like this. More just a well-placed grenade.
Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods

Stratagems that focus on the largest targets are ideal for tougher battles. Helldivers don’t need to aim or worry about wasting their Stratagem. However, if you were to use an Eagle 110mm Rocket Pod on a Bile Titan or a Tank, you’d be wasting your Stratagem in the first place.
It’s quick sure, and has no call-in time, but it only has that because it lacks in damage. Players are better off focusing on heavier, slower Stratagems to ensure the enemy drops rather than letting this loose and watching it still walking towards you.
FAF-14 Spear

Something so slow, with such a long cooldown time shouldn’t be so frustrating to use. And yet it is, and it forces itself down to C-tier. Sure, it’s actually quite good against tougher targets, but its lock-on mode is terrible, and you need to almost get underneath a Bile Titan in order to take it down effectively.
In a similar way to many of the other C-tier Stratagems, there are so many better choices out there.
A/Arc-3 Tesla Tower

“To avoid friendly fire, remain prone.” That alone should be the primary hint that this Stratagem isn’t worth – it if the notion that it hits “targets in close range” didn’t force your hand in the first place.
It’s weak, doesn’t work well on bugs, and is incredibly frustrating to use with multiple Helldivers present. Stick to EMS weapons if you want electrical, or opt for the Laser Cannon instead.
RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher

Why use a Rocket Launcher that “detonates within the proximity of a target” when you can instead pummel it with a Quasar Cannon or a Railgun?
The issue with this Stratagem is that there’s no real reason to warrant its use. There are so many other weapons to choose from, and 90% of them are better than this one.
Orbital Smoke Strike

As previously mentioned, stealth is always an option, but Helldivers 2 doesn’t exactly lend itself to that fighting style. You can use a sniper and sneak but 90% of the time, a robot or a bug is going to spot you and bring hell down.
This is where the Orbital Smoke Strike comes in, giving you that added protection. This Stratagem isn’t in C-tier because it’s not very good, but rather not really worth using unless you want a specific playstyle.
Eagle Smoke Strike

Before you even begin to choose Eagle Smoke Strike, it’s vital to check out Orbital Smoke Stike, which is effectively the same Stratagem but so much better.
Granted, it has a 100 second cooldown time, as opposed to the eight from Eage, but given the choice over waiting for over a minute and a half, or being able to use it only three times, and the Orbital wins hands down.
Helldivers 2 D-Tier Stratagems
MD-6 Anti-personnel Minefield

Imagine Incendiary Mines but ten times worse. These Anti-Personell Minefields practically only mean Anti-Helldiver.
They’re a pain to traverse through, barely ever take down the enemy, and only seem to destroy friendships and liberty instead.
SH-20 Ballistic Shield Backpack

The Shield Generator Pack is in S-tier for a reason and remains one of the best ways to protect yourself during a mission. Alternatively, the Ballistic Shield pack is in D-tier for a reason and is just a dreadful Stratagem.
It takes up one of your hands and barely protects against anything. Sure, if the Automatons were Stormtroopers, then you’d probably be alright, but they’re not, and you will be far from alright if you try using this Stratagem. If in doubt, pick literally anything else.
So, those are the best, and worst Stratagems in Helldivers 2. While preparing to head into your next battle for Democracy, be sure to check out the best armor in Helldivers 2, as well as how to get free Super Credits or all those Helldiver titles.