Unreleased Apex Legends weapon spotted in Season 8 dev stream

Tanner Pierce

During the Apex Legends Season 8 dev livestream, what appears to be a brand new weapon can be seen for a brief moment in the background, prompting speculation that this could be a future gun in the game.

While this trend has certainly slowed down over the past year, Respawn do like to introduce new weapons at the start of seasons, like the 30-30 Repeater rifle for Season 8. However, we may have gotten a sneak peek at another gun the devs have lined up for a future release.

From the brief moment when it’s visible in the dev stream, the unreleased weapon is shown to have a bullpup design, which means the action and the magazine are located behind the trigger. It seems to be incredibly bulky but it’s hard to tell considering how short it appears on screen.

The new weapon doesn’t look like anything in the game currently, with a big, bulky, bullpup design.

Not surprisingly, the devs never show the gun in action, mention it, or even draw attention to it in any way, so there’s really nothing to tell about the weapon itself.

Given its size, it is most likely some sort of an assault rifle, which would make sense considering there’s only been one AR added post-launch – the Havoc, right before Season 1, all the way back in February of 2019.

If this does end up being a teaser for some future weapon, it wouldn’t be the first time Respawn have engaged in such tactics. The aforementioned 30-30 Repeater was actually first spotted in the Season 6 dev stream, so two seasons prior to it being released, which means this mysterious new one might not be unveiled until Season 10, or even beyond that.

Or the devs could be just sending everyone on a wild goose change, not like they haven’t before… right? (ahem, Forge anyone?)

Here’s hoping we learn more about the weapon soon, however, as fans will surely be eager to get their hands on it after their done with the Repeater.