Fortnite players want to see one major change made to the X-4 Stormwing plane

Ross Deason

The addition of the X-4 Stormwing plane to Fortnite Battle Royale is an exciting one, but some players are already beginning to ask for some major changes to the way that the vehicle works.

The Stormwing was added to the game as a part of the massive v7.00 update on December 6 that marked the start of Season 7 and aerial vehicle is already providing some exciting gameplay.

However, one major complaint from casual and competitive fans alike is that there is currently no penalty for being inside the plane when it explodes – meaning that there are very risks to using it.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I hate when people fly planes and I shoot them out and they just glide down without any damage,” said ‘nkrog21’ on Reddit. “I think they should be able to still glide down, but maybe take 50 damage for being in the plane as it blows up? What do you guys think?”

Another user, ‘Undeity’, suggested that the destruction of the plane should be turned into a proper explosion that kills anyone affected – opening up the possibility for kamikaze tactics!

The X-4 Stormwing is just one of many new additions to Fortnite for Season 7.

Nicholas ‘Zoof’ Zufan, a professional player for Cloud9, echoed the sentiments of nkrog21 in a separate Reddit thread, saying: “Planes are obviously very good for rotations and I feel so far they are free rotations. Would it be a bad idea to take some damage if you’re inside a plane when it breaks? I personally think there needs to be some risk when using one to rotate.”

In response, ‘zieberry’ suggested a simple but effective answer to all the complaints: “There should be an explosion when it breaks that does ~50 damage to everyone on board.”

It will be interesting to see whether Epic Games decide to act upon any of the initial feedback about the Stormwing or wait until it has been in the game a while longer before making any changes.