Joe Rogan podcast isn’t being recommended to new Spotify listeners

Connor Bennett
Joe Rogan talking to mic on podcast set with white shirt on

A new study has found that Spotify doesn’t appear to be recommending Joe Rogan Experience podcast episodes to new listeners, even though it is pushing other original podcasts.

Back in September of 2020, Joe Rogan announced that after a decade of his podcast being available on all platforms, Spotify had given him the bag and was making it exclusive to their platform.

It’s been a bit of a rocky road since the start of the partnership, with fans wanting things to go back to the way they were with YouTube highlights, and Spotify coming under fire for platforming some of Rogan’s controversial views.

The stats have proven that the partnership has been a win-win for both sides, with Spotify getting a big influx of new users, while Rogan retains his spot as having the biggest podcast around. However, something appears to be off.

Spotify isn’t pushing JRE Podcasts to new ears

While Rogan is regularly sitting in the most listened spot on Spotify’s podcast charts, the platform doesn’t appear to be recommending his episodes to users.

According to data from over 90,000 episodes of podcasts analyzed by Dan Misener of Bumper, Spotify is recommending around 14% of shows under their podcast network – 8% of those being exclusives, and the other 6% being either original or adaptions.

As per the findings, episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience are not a part of this. However, episodes of other podcasts where Rogan features a guest are being recommended to users.

Joe Rogan talking on podcast
Rogan has been in the firing line a few times since the Spotify exclusivity deal went through.

It’s not quite clear why this is the case, as Misener suggests that the show may be big enough that it doesn’t require the help of recommendations to those that aren’t listening regularly.

Of course, if you’re an avid listener of Rogan, you’re going to see his show pop up on your feed. But why it’s not being shown to others, with the money that Spotify has plowed into it, will certainly raise a few eyebrows.