Blizzard reveals most popular Diablo 4 classes and there are no surprises

Blizzard Entertainment revealed the most popular Diablo 4 classes in a social media post dedicated to the ‘Year in Numbers.’
Even before the new Diablo game’s official release, the Sorcerer/Sorceress was considered the fan-favorite class by many. The popularity of the Necromancer held its own, sure, but still fell behind during the launch period.
Series General Manager Rod Fergusson confirmed as much in June, telling players the Sorcerer/Sorceress had become the “most-played class” in D4 at the time. An overhaul and several nerfs knocked the class down a peg in the weeks following release.
Necromancer sat in the same boat for quite a while, its Blood Lance skill so powerful at one point that it was causing game-breaking crashes. Interestingly, none of these issues prevented players from creating characters based on the two classes.
Sorcerer was one of Diablo 4’s most popular classes in 2023
To celebrate the new year, Blizzard unleashed ‘The Year in Numbers’ stats for 2023. The post only features a few stats, with one detail noting that users have killed a total of one trillion monsters since Diablo 4 launched.
But the community will probably be most interested in learning which classes were used the most – Sorcerer and Necromancer. Given their power sets and early rise to popularity, this hardly comes as a surprise.
In addition to the class-related information, also worthy of note is that Hardcore Diablo 4 players died a whopping 2.4 million times to the game’s various threats.
But one threat, in particular, has taken an exceptional number of lives. The formidable Butcher mini-boss has slain people 37 million times.
Diablo 4 had a rocky launch year, its commercial success marred by disappointing content releases and a divisive Season 1 rollout. Season 2 has helped turn things around, but the true test of the game’s longevity will come in 2024, especially with the Vessel of Hatred expansion on the way.