How to unlock Salvation’s Grip in Destiny 2: Beyond Light

Andrew Highton
salvation's grip in destiny 2 beyond light

One of the key components to unlocking Destin 2: Beyond Light’s significant content is obtaining Salvation’s Grip. The exotic grenade launcher is a huge factor in unlocking Aspects & Fragments and really getting the most out of the game. We’ll show you how to unlock Salavation’s Grip in Beyond Light.

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Much of the talk heading into Destiny 2: Beyond Light was about its new features brought in to revolutionize the game. Stasis, Aspects & Fragments, are just some of the new content that veterans and newcomers alike can gobble up.

But to enjoy some of these finer delights, a bit of extracurricular activity is required beforehand. The Exotic Stasis weapon — Salvation’s Grip — is needed to destroy the five Entropic Shards that are hidden around Bungie‘s Europa.

So here’s a quick guide on how to unlock Salvation’s Grip in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.

The steps to unlock Salvation’s Grip

salvation's grip in destiny 2 beyond light
Whilst not the best weapon in the world, it is still functional.

The weapon itself isn’t a potent weapon of mass destruction, but what it can do is priceless. The Entropic Shards are practically untouchable, save for one Exotic grenade launcher that’s Stasis abilities allow it to destroy them.

These are the tasks you’ll need to endure.

Complete the campaign

A very simple one to start things off. Smash your way through the Beyond Light main campaign, defeat Eramis, and you’re already one step closer to Salvation’s Grip.

Do this, then speak to the Drifter in the Tower.

Kill Fallen Captains and Servitors

This is a laborious prospect that is grindy and will take time. But you need to defeat 10 captains and 10 servitors to collect intel. Summon the willpower and determination, take them down, and then move onto the next step.

Successfully complete an Empire Hunt

Empire Hunts are new post-game content missions that you see you battle strong foes. You can either do this naturally doing the campaign, or you may need to part ways with a lump sum of 40 Herealways Pieces to obtain an Empire Hunt too.

Get kills using Stasis

stasis being used on enemies in destiny 2 beyond light
Stasis, quite simply, is really cool.

Nothing complicated about this one, just engage Terminator mode and exterminate everything you see. Do some Lost Sectors, Public Events, just anything where you’ll be able to use your Stasis abilities to rack up some bodies.

Complete Concealed Void Lost Sector and meet Spider’s associate

For this one it’s a case of plowing your way through this Lost Sector, beating the enemies, and defeating the boss. Once you’ve reached the end, you’ll meet up with the associate and give you the codes that you need.

Meet The Drifter again, then complete Stealing Stasis

With the codes in your possession, you can head back to the Tower and talk to the Drifter. They will give you the Stealing Stasis quest and all you then need to do is finish the quest, and you should have Salvation’s Grip by the end of it.

It’s that simple folks. A few steps stand between you and the grenade launcher itself.

With these simple instructions, you should know how to unlock Salvation’s Grip in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, and how to go about it.