FaZe Clan’s ZooMaa Releases Statement Clarifying His Position After Rostermania Leaks

Calum Patterson

It has been a busy weekend for Call of Duty rostermania, as numerous leaks came out about top level teams including FaZe Clan.

Although FaZe are now not expected to make any changes, reliable sources told Dexerto that OpTic had shown interest in Tommy “ZooMaa” Paparratto – which ZooMaa has since hinted they did.

Overheard during a stream which players were unaware was live, ZooMaa explained that he had not been permitted to leave FaZe despite a team (presumably OpTic although it cannot be confirmed) offering to meet his buyout.

The conversation obviously cast doubt over ZooMaa’s commitment to FaZe for some fans, however he has now released a statement to ensure fans he is focused on his current team.

Posting in a Twitlonger, ZooMaa explains that despite the rumors, he loves the current roster and is confident in their ability to win championships, citing their recent win at Stage One of the CWL Pro League.

“In the past week, there’s been a lot said about me and I just wanted to set the record straight. There were other players who had an interest in teaming with me and I was very transparent with FaZe / my teammates what options were presented to me. I’ve been with FaZe for 3 years, and me entertaining other offers had nothing to do at all with being unhappy with FaZe.

At the end of the day, I made a commitment to my team and FaZe and felt that I needed to honor that commitment. I love my team and I’m confident we can win championships as we’ve already shown. Thank you to all the supporters for all the love, we will continue to work hard and make you proud. #FaZeUp”

The statement will certainly help the faith which fans have in ZooMaa, whose ability in game was never in doubt – often regarded as one of the top sub machine players.

However, it does shed light on the situation potentially involving OpTic, as he would certainly entertain such an offer. The ‘commitment’ he mentions likely refers to his contractual agreement, as well as his commitment to his teammates.

ZooMaa and the rest of the FaZe roster will now begin gearing up for Stage Two of the CWL Pro League, where they headline Division A beginning May 15th.

They will look to go for back to back Pro League championships ahead of the World Championship in August.