Apex Legends players split after TikTok calls for huge Armor nerfs

Shay Robson
apex legends shield armors

The Apex Legends community is split, after a TikTok suggesting changes to the armor system has divided players.

We’re just around the corner from the release of Season 14 of Apex Legends and it’s quite a different game from what it once was.

Since the game’s release three years ago, for better or worse we’ve seen a slew of changes, such as the addition of new maps and a ton of new Legends.

One area that’s been largely overlooked is the armor system – which hasn’t had many changes since the game’s launch.

But, that’s set to change in the next season, as the devs have finally decided to remove self-revive completely. However, one player has suggested an entirely different change to shields, and it’s got the community torn.

Apex Legends Evo Shields
Respawn is constantly tweaking Apex Legends based on player feedback, like in the case of making Evo Shields a permanent feature.

A thread in the ApexUniversity Reddit on August 6 shared a TikTok, in which a player suggested for armor to be changed in a different way instead of changing the knockdown shield.

“Apex hot take, pro players complain about the knockdown, but what really should be removed is armor swaps,” the player said. “Why would armor be full on a dead eneme,y when the armor was depleted in the process of the neemy dying. It’s not about skill anymore, it’s about who can armor swap the fastest.”

Other fans in the thread agreed that the player has a valid point when it comes to shields, but they’re not exactly sold on the idea. “Not going to lie, it’s a valid point but in a game like Apex where 3rd party is expected from the start, middle, and end of a fight, shield swapping is essential,” said one.

“Removing armor swapping would just make dealing with 3rd parties so much harder, terrible take,” another added.

On the other hand, one player somewhat agreed with the suggested idea, admitting that shield swapping shouldn’t give you full armor. “Even tho fast armor swaps are indeed a skill, it’s not a good mechanic. I agree that armor swaps should not give you full armor, it makes surviving third parties a matter of whether or not the previous enemy was equipped properly,” they said.

With Season 14 set for release on August 9, it’s unlikely we’ll see any changes like these anytime soon. But, as always the devs keep an open mind when it comes to community suggestions, so it could come to fruition in the future.