Apex Legends players claim G7 Scout is better in Season 14 than ever before

Alec Mullins
Bangalore holding G7 Scout in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Season 14 has shaken up the game once more and the community is reflecting on whether or not the G2 Scout got better after exiting the care package this season.

The state of weaponry in Apex Legends Season 14 is a complicated one. On top of the debut of Laser Sights for SMGs and the return of the Skullpiercer attachment, a host of other changes have flipped the game on its head.

One of the biggest changes was the decision to bring the G7 Scout back to ground loot in favor of placing the Bocek Bow into the care package. While coming off the suped-up Red rarity status should hurt a weapon’s value, some players believe the Scout is even better coming off the floor.

Apex Legends players claim G2 Scout is better than before in Season 14

The conversation kicked off when a player came to Reddit to ask if anyone else had noticed a difference in the weapon so far in the new season.

“Does anybody else feel this way? Is it some sort of Mandela Effect?” they asked.

As it turned out, they weren’t alone in feeling this way, and other members of the community flocked to the post to explain why they agree that the semi-auto rifle is much more viable now than as a special pickup.

“It feels better because it has uncapped ammo, that was the downfall of the package version,” one fan inserted. A second player backed that theory up adding that the modest bullet count “sent you looking for a new gun” too quickly before.

Another user claimed it has more to do with pacing than ammo, and that the nature of not finding care package weapons until the end game severely limited its effectiveness. “G7 is used a ‘tap’ gun from a distance. As a CP weapon that you usually got towards the end of the game, it really didn’t make sense.”

It’s still early in the season, so the feeling of the rifle being stronger than before may fade away as players acclimate to using it again.