Apex Legends dev reveals audio changes coming for “players traveling through the air”

Tanner Pierce

After a Reddit user asked if the Respawn team was considering making Octane’s jump pad more noticeable in Apex Legends, a developer responded saying that they were working on making audio overhauls to all Legends while they’re flying through the air.

Apex Legends is known as one of the more fast-paced battle royale games on the market right now. Between its quick-sliding features and characters with versatile abilities, players are constantly flying through each match, both figuratively and literally in some cases, due to abilities like Octane’s launchpad.

As the name suggests, that ultimate in particular gives the players the ability to throw down pads that would send them flying in the direction they are running. Now, after a discussion on Reddit about the aforementioned ability, it seems like Respawn is working on a way to balance the ability, and make it easier to know when players are traveling through the air in general.

Octane’s ultimate ability to fly through the air sparked an interesting response from an Apex dev.

After being asked if the developers had considered giving Octane’s launchpad ability a “visual or audio cue”, Apex’s Lead Game Designer Daniel Z Klein confirmed that the team is working on improving “player traveling through the air” sounds in general across the board.

byu/Sven_Yosef from discussion

Of course, the developer didn’t go into exact details about what these changes would be, as it was just a quick mention on Reddit. Still, it’s worth thinking about the possibilities, especially considering players are basically ninja’s while airborne right now.

Having the ability to hear players traveling through the air better would make for an interesting gameplay mechanic, as it would ideally give you some kind of warning when a legend is screaming towards you through the air.

There’s also no telling how far into development these plans are, meaning we also have no idea when the changes could be coming. Devs could decide it doesn’t work as they hoped, which could mean an even longer wait as well.

Still, if Respawn is already openly talking about it, that could mean Apex players won’t have to wait too long for this update to finally arrive.