Annoying Apex Legends bug is completely ruining Octane’s ultimate

Apex Legends players have uncovered a strange new bug that is making Octane’s Launch Pad ultimate pretty useless and stopping them from jumping huge distances.
Ever since Apex Legends season five got underway, Octane, who introduced to the roster of characters back in season one, has encountered a few problems – mainly with his Launch Pad ultimate ability.
Fans have revealed how Mirage’s decoy can be used to get rid of jump pads – both in the wild and at the Gauntlet. However, there is a new problem that has begun cropping up that is preventing players from getting some huge airtime by using the pads.

The issue was pointed out by Reddit user PeeceePingu, who had been trying to use the Launch Pad to jump across the map by The Broken Coast. As it happened, the Redditor’s hopes of completing the daredevil jump were dashed.
As they started to get a boost from the jump pad before coming back down to earth – almost as if the game didn’t register that the pad was there after the fact. As a result of this, instead of jumping across the gaping chasm, PeeceePingu was dropped off the side of the map and quickly eliminated from the game.
Upon seeing the problem, other players noted that they’d run into the same thing – with some going as far as swearing off using Octane in the battle royale until the problem is fixed.
Another player, Kalhmeras96, suggested that the new issue might be location-based as they claimed it has happened to them a few times in the same area. Though, others noted that it has happened elsewhere too.
Respawn recently revealed that the adrenaline junkie, alongside Lifeline, is under consideration for a rework moving forward. So, we could see changes to his abilities anyway.
However, players will be hoping that the developers can get this new problem addressed before they give the legend any major surgery. Yet, it remains to be seen if they can get it figured out anytime soon.