Hungover xQc questions his mental state during Pokimane’s TwitchCon stream

David Purcell

Twitch streamer Imane ‘Pokimane’ Anys was shocked when Félix ‘xQc’ Lengyel declared himself to be in a permanently “crazy” state, appearing to have a panic attack at TwitchCon. 

The two popular broadcasters combined during Pokimane’s ‘Unlimited IRL backpack’ stream on April 14, during the TwitchCon Europe event in Berlin, Germany. 

When she first met up with xQc, the former Overwatch pro almost immediately admitted that he felt sick, holding his hands over his face for a few moments as they moved up an escalator. 

Robert Paul for Blizzard EntertainmentThe former Overwatch pro player was just one of many streamers who attended the TwitchCon event in Berlin.

As they reached the top he seemed to come around and looked to be feeling better, until they were taken to a “secret” location to sit down and chat. 

“I’m not kidding right now. I’m dead serious,” xQc said live on stream. “I’m actually really anxious, almost panicking, and I feel like this state is not going to leave me. I feel like it’s like permanent. My mentality right now is permanent, like I’m dead.”

It’s worth noting that the former Overwatch pro player had been drinking alcohol before the conversation, which might have had an influence on what he was saying. However, as he seemed to be in a bad place mentally, Pokimane reassured him that these feelings would soon pass. 

“No, it’s not permanent,” she said. “That happens!”

“I know it’s not [permanent] but my mind just keeps telling me it is,” he added. “I feel like this is not going to leave me dude. This state is crazy dude.” 

The streamers swiftly moved off the topic soon after and started to joke around, which appeared to raise xQc’s spirits. 

About The Author

David is the former US Managing Editor at You can contact him via email: