Diablo 4 players praise Blizzard over “amazing” Loot Reborn update

Sam Smith
Diablo 4 Season 4 Masterworking Key Art

Fan reception to Season 4 of Diablo 4 has been overwhelmingly positive, with some fans even claiming this season is the “real Diablo 4”.

Seasons have been a mixed bag for Diablo 4 since the game launched in June 2023. Many long-time Diablo players were disheartened to learn that Diablo 4’s seasons were similar to Diablo 3’s, while new players were shocked by the requirement of starting a new character every season.

While Season 2’s Vampiric Powers and a new exciting questline that essentially turned the Nephalem into Marvel’s Blade helped players warm up to Diablo 4’s seasonal content, the third season failed to keep this momentum going.

Season 4 of Diablo 4 has taken a very different approach, rather than being a side story involving vampires or killer constructs, the fourth season instead focuses on core gameplay elements, living up to its promise of “Loot Reborn.” So far, the Diablo 4 community is loving it.

One Reddit user went as far as stating that Diablo 4 Season 4 is a real Diablo game, implying it hadn’t been previously. They said: “Blizz please lean into this forever – we finally have a real D4 game!”

Another user echoed these sentiments, posting “This is the state of the game it should have been at day one.” They went on to say: “Absolutely addicted. Absurd amount of fun. Things feel balanced and equal. Nothing else to say, but good work, Blizzard.”

Other users were quick to point out that community feedback is also responsible for Diablo 4’s improvements, saying: “This is because of the community feedback and the adaptions that were made. They fixed a lot of issues and listened to a lot of steps the entire year.”

However, other players weren’t convinced and argued not much has changed, saying: “I remember seeing posts like these two days after Diablo 4 launched too. You guys never learn, at least get through the honeymoon phase.”

While some were more balanced, arguing that Season 4 is a step in the right direction, but doesn’t fix everything with one saying: “I agree with you in theory but the building is still extremely shallow.”