Infinity Ward confirm MW2 easter eggs in Modern Warfare

Joe Craven

Call of Duty developers Infinity Ward have confirmed the presence of multiple Modern Warfare 2 easter eggs in 2019’s Modern Warfare, leading fans to believe there’ll be more on the way. 

2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has received both praise and criticism for its inclusion of older CoD maps and content. Some fans have enjoyed the opportunity to revisit nostalgic maps like Rust and Vacant, while others have lamented the lack of explicitly ‘new’ content. 

It seems that it is not just the obvious content – like multiplayer maps – that Modern Warfare is borrowing from its predecessors. Multiple easter eggs and allusions to older Infinity Ward titles have been picked up on by eagle-eyed players. 

Rust, from MW2, has already returned in this year’s CoD.

This rang true again on February 28, when one Modern Warfare fan joked: “Really clever IW, really clever.”

Attached was an image of multiple easter eggs referencing scenes from the campaign of Modern Warfare 2.

In Modern Warfare, these symbols of iconic scenes feature as weapon charms that players can equip on their guns.

The user also confirmed that they think they “might have more” easter eggs, but did not include the ones they were not one-hundred percent sure of.

It seemed that they were proved right too, with a member of Infinity Ward’s development staff replying to confirm their presence. 

Joel Emslie, Infinity Ward’s Art Director, has been taking a greater role in community conversation of late. He replied: “You’re paying attention…good;)”. 

While there’s every possibility that Emslie’s reply should not be read into, a number of Reddit users took his tongue-in-cheek reply as confirmation that more nostalgia-inspired content will be coming to Modern Warfare soon. 

There are already hints that we’ll see some DLC maps from the original Modern Warfare, with both Killhouse and Broadcast being found in game files. While this is not confirmation that we will see more nostalgic content, some fans have got understandably excited at Emslie’s comment.

Since Season Two featured maps from Modern Warfare 2 like Rust, and the iconic UMP SMG, there is a theory that the third season will add in content from MW3.

About The Author

Joe is a former writer for Dexerto, who focused on Call of Duty, FIFA, Apex Legends and Rainbow Six Siege.