Genshin Impact players call for birthday banners to alleviate 5-star unlock woes

James Busby
Mona using magic

Genshin Impact players want HoYoverse to add birthday banners to the game to help increase the odds of securing standard 5-star units. 

Just like most gacha games, securing 5-star characters in Genshin Impact largely involves a lot of luck. This is especially true if you’re rolling on the game’s Wanderlust Invocation (Standard banner). 

Unlike the limited-time 5-star banners which give specific characters like Xianyun rate-up boosts, the Standard banner features seven 5-stars that can be unlocked. While this may seem like a bonus, it can be a real pain for players looking for a specific standard 5-star. 

Well, the Genshin Impact community has come up with an idea that could help alleviate this issue – birthday banners. 

Genshin Impact players want birthday banners

“After 800 days of daily play with Welkin Moon, I still don’t have Mona, the one character I joined the game for. The standard character system is broken,” wrote one player on the Genshin Impact Reddit page

This comment was quickly met with similar stories of players not receiving the character they want despite investing huge amounts of time, and even money into the game. However, the game’s community is hoping HoYoverse will add birthday banners to the game, which would be released when a 5-star unit celebrates their special day. 

“I have friends who are still missing Mona as well after years of play,” replied another player. “Hopefully, the rumors of one-day birthday banners turn out to be true so people can wish for these units.”

Other Travelers were on board with this idea. “If it does happen, it would be about including characters who are featured in events but aren’t on the banner list,” explained one player. “Birthdays sound like another way to include them. Hopefully, they devise something because things are going to get bad on re-run timing otherwise.”

The community was also keen to highlight how implementing birthday banners wouldn’t shake up the current rotation of releases and reruns. 

“If it’s one day a year that doesn’t take away from the regularly scheduled banners and reruns would actually be a LOT,” replied another Traveler. “Time to save and also grab banners here or there but 100% KNOWING it’ll come up.”