Dragon’s Dogma 2’s forged items are driving players insane

Ethan Dean
Ibrahim Dragon's Dogma 2 Item Forgery

Some of the more dastardly Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are forging fake rewards for Pawn Quests. While there’s hilarity to be had, it’s gotten to some of their fellow Arisen.

Most Arisen will discover Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Forgery mechanic during the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest. Forging an item at Ibrahim’s Scrap Shop in the Checkpoint Rest Town is actually a handy way to get both potential rewards from that quest.

Unfortunately for large swathes of the Dragon’s Dogma 2 player base, that one simple interaction has given people some ideas. Players are gifting Pawns with counterfeit items when they return them to their Arisen.

PC Gamer noted that the initial thrill of seeing the icon for a very desirable item leads to pure devastation when you realize it’s a dupe with no effect. It’s kind of the opposite of the cooperation we advised to make every Dragon’s Dogma 2 player rich.

There’s nothing more frustrating than thinking that some generous player has gifted you a Golden Trove Beetle only to read the item closer and find a far less useful Golden Stove Beetle. That’s right, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s forged items all have hilarious names that are just a little off.

Standouts include Wokestones, Part Crystals, and Seeders tokens. While these forged items have no in-game effects, the prevailing joke in the community is that Wokestones will “turn your character gay”.

This does seem to be bantered around in good spirits. Unlike some of the more extreme reactions to Pawns insinuating the same thing.

The best thing that we’ve seen in relation to the gifting of forged items comes from Reddit user u/RoninX70 who failed to notice they’d been given a Ferristone and not a Ferrystone. Capcom even went through the effort of creating a variation of the fast travel cutscene in which your arisen throws the useless item in the air to have it unceremoniously thud on the ground.

This is a PSA of sorts to thoroughly check every gift you receive when your Main Pawn returns from being hired out.

You don’t want to find yourself in the middle of an adventure with only a Wokestone to revive yourself.