Dragon’s Dogma 2 Pawns won’t stop roasting their Arisen

Ethan Dean
Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn Roasting

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Pawns are asking players about their sexual preferences depending on who they choose to pick in their team.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are struggling with the banter that their loyal followers employ. It seems no matter how Kindhearted your Pawn’s Inclination is, things can still get a little sassy.

Capcom worked hard to make Pawns feel alive thanks to their ability to retain information from their adventures with other players. So much so that they’ll also comment on your own proclivities during your playthrough of Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Arisen who have chosen to stack their parties with big male-presenting Pawns are being bombarded with insinuations about their sexual preference. While the dialogue feels fairly innocuous, some have taken it to heart.

The quote in question that is causing a stir sees a Pawn noting: “Looking around, it strikes me that we Pawns are all men! I wonder if this speaks to the Arisen’s preference.”

More than one Dragon’s Dogma 2 player has noted the situation with some being “triggered” enough to request the dialogue be removed from the game. A certain 4chan user even claimed to have refunded the game in a slur-laden rant we won’t share here.

This isn’t the only time Pawns will get a bit cheeky in Dragon’s Dogma 2 of course. One user replying to the Reddit thread above had their own instance where the banter went a little too far.

“I had a pawn tell me that I’m “Full of surprises” and complimented my “strategy” because I got stabbed in the face by a goblin that proceeded to trip and fall off a cliff all on his own,” they explained. “I’ve never felt more devastated by a backhanded compliment.”

Dragon's Dogma 2 trick
BRB, hiring a more diverse roster of Pawns so as not to get burned.

It’s also not just filling your party with male characters that will cause Pawns to gossip either. There are lines of dialogue for when your party is made up entirely of women, Beastren, or even certain Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Part of the fun of the game is mixing and matching your party to hear exactly what your Pawns will comment on.