Apex Legends players can’t unsee this spicy Charge Rifle skin

Carver Fisher
Apex Legends players can't unsee charge rifle skin

An Apex Legends player noticed that a Charge Rifle skin in the battle pass a little more than vaguely resembles something else entirely, and players are having a hard time unseeing it.

Cosmetic items are a huge part of Apex Legends. Players are willing to drop hundreds of dollars on decking out their favorite Legends and weapons, and there are a ton of skins to choose from.

That said, not all skins are created equal. Collection events and battle passes are often themed around the very best (and most expensive) skins in the game, with other recolors and smaller cosmetics sprinkled in to give players more to work toward.

However, an Apex Legends player noticed that a skin for the Charge Rifle on the Season 16 battle pass was a bit of a hidden surprise, with it bearing a striking resemblance to something that normally wouldn’t be used as a weapon.

Apex Legends skin accidentally evokes spicy imagery

Rare skins aren’t usually the talk of the town when it comes to Apex Legends. They tend to fill out the battle pass and give players enough rewards to work towards to fill out an 100-level pass like the one for Season 16.

Players are often pining for legendary skins with flashy new look for their favorite weapons. But there are some cases where an epic or even rare skin rises to the occasion and does something innovative with the base model.

This isn’t one of those cases. Apex Legends players can’t unsee the horrors of this Charge Rifle skin from the battle pass, and it’s hard to say whether or not its appearance was intentional.

This Charge Rifle skin has Apex Legends players scratching their heads

The rather fleshy appearance of this Charge Rifle’s barrel paired with the unseen depths that lie within its dark void has certainly started a conversation in the Apex Legends community. A conversation that isn’t exactly safe for work.

On the bright side, this skin has gotten more attention than many of the legendary skins in the game. For players who like the way it looks, it’s got great bang for your buck value.