PewDiePie finally debunks long-running Markiplier tweet mystery

Brent Koepp

YouTube king Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg was vindicated during his latest upload after a fan debunked a fake tweet that had been contributed to him for years. The Swedish star was happy that the mystery was finally put to rest. 

For many, PewDiePie has been the face of YouTube for the last decade. The 30-year-old went from his humble roots in Sweden to becoming one of the most recognized entertainers in the world with over 107 million subscribers on his channel.

While the content creator has become known for his mastery of online memes, he has been teased by fans over the last year for a tweet he supposedly wrote years ago about Mark ‘Markiplier’ Fischbach. Only, he didn’t actually write it.

pewdiepie tweet
The YouTuber was accused of making a joke tweet years earlier.

PewDiePie vindicated over tweet mystery

In 2018, images of a supposed tweet from PewDiePie surfaced online. The less-than-savory Markiplier post became a meme in 2020 when fans began to tease him for not living up to his promise. “I can not for the love of God remember this tweet. But I have not seen any tweet more times than this,” he said in a previous video.

During his September 22 upload, Pewds was vindicated when he reacted to a fan who made a video debunking the image. “So true! I knew I wasn’t crazy. I knew I never tweeted that. I don’t remember it. You f**king gaslit me!” he joked to his viewers. He then celebrated and exclaimed, “Finally! Your Honor, I’m free!”

The eagle-eyed fan looked at snapshots of the creator’s Twitter account on the Wayback Machine site, and realized that the profile image in the fake tweet was from April 2018 when he changed it, meaning the post couldn’t have been deleted until a year later. So it should show up in his 2017 archives – but it doesn’t.

(Topic starts at 14:51)

After debunking the long-running image, the viewer said, “Whatever your fantasies may be, it is time for you to accept this reality and to stop reposting this fake screenshot.”

It’s not entirely clear how the meme started, or where the image even came from. However it’s been floating around on social media for years, and has been a constant meme in 2020. Now, the YouTuber can finally rest easy knowing that he didn’t actually write it.

Fake tweets aside, PewDiePie continues to crush it this year. In September, he reached over 107 million subscribers to his channel. The 30-year-old has also been streaming, recently pulling in over 150k viewers live while playing hit game Among Us.