Apex Legends clamps down on teamers ruining ranked play

Alan Bernal
apex legends horizon season 7

Respawn Entertainment have banned top-ranked Apex Legends players on Xbox who were found ‘teaming’ in the competitive playlist, extending the devs’ hard-line approach to cheaters.

Teamers have been prevalent in Apex since the game’s launch. While the war against cheaters has been ongoing, Respawn have shown they’re not afraid to swing the ban hammer once reports start to get out of hand.

For the people who have poured hundreds of hours into the battle royale to reach some of the highest echelons of the Rank ladder, the devs won’t think twice about banning you if you’re caught obstructing Apex’s competitive integrity.

Respawn security team member Conor ‘Hideouts’ Ford has been slamming cheaters of all types with hardware bans, among others, and let over a dozen players know they had their last day on their respective Apex accounts.

Teamers in Apex Legends have been a problem since before Season 1.

“To the 14 Xbox players who were teaming in high-level Ranked, I hope your time off is more fulfilling and well spent than what you were doing in Apex lol,” Hideouts said.

For those unaware, teaming is the simple act of coordinating with people outside of your squad. While there isn’t any third-party software or extra application in use that cheat detection would pick up, it’s still highly against the framework of a battle royale.

People have teamed since the start of the game to complete challenges, unlock prestigious rewards, and secure incredibly easy wins to add to their record.

If there was ever a doubt that teaming with your friends would result in a ban, Hideouts and co. spare no bans if they get a report with evidence to the infraction.

As Season 7 ramps up through its holiday festivities, Respawn have been really keen on cleaning up the game from every kind of cheater under the sun.

Whether you’re trying to be slick and get away with some light cheating or broadcasting your errant ways on Twitch, the Apex devs have a pretty solid record of tracking down people violating the rules.

As long as Apex Legends has cheaters, the devs will continue to be active in community threads and direct Cheater Report channels to sift out the bad actors.