Doctor Who Episode 4 proves popular fan theory wrong

Jessica Cullen
Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday in Doctor Who 73 Yards

Doctor Who Episode 4, ’73 Yards’, just debunked one of Season 14’s biggest fan theories surrounding Ruby Sunday, and it used an emotional twist to do it. (Warning: spoilers ahead!)

’73 Yards’ has quickly proven itself as the strongest Doctor Who episode to come from the latest season so far. (Just read our ’73 Yards’ review for further proof!) As Ruby Sunday finds herself lost in 21st century Wales after the Doctor disappeared within an instant, she’s stalked by a looming figure who never strays more or less than 73 yards behind her.

Ruby has been one of the most enigmatic characters on the sci-fi show to date, with her status as an adopted child leading to all sorts of Season 14 theories. Her birth mother’s identity and the reason behind her ability to bring memories into reality have all been the subject of debate, but one of the most frequently referred-to theories is that Mrs Flood (Ruby’s quirky and oddly-knowledgeable neighbor) is actually Ruby in the future.

However, ’73 Yards’ has just put this theory to an end for one simple reason: it shows us what an older Ruby looks like, and it’s not Mrs Flood.

Amanda Walker as Old Ruby in Doctor Who 73 Yards

The episode stretches through time, following Ruby throughout decades of her life without the Doctor. Eventually, she’s an old woman, still followed by the strange presence, even when she’s in a care home. It’s a lonely and emotional arc for the Doctor’s companion, but it proves one thing. The fact is, “old Ruby” is not Mrs Flood.

Ruby’s old self might still be a few years older than Mrs Flood, but they aren’t the same person. We also hear Ruby’s older voice, and that doesn’t sound like her neighbor, either.

As such, this crosses the Mrs Flood theory off the list of potential Ruby revelations. However, the door is still open for plenty of others. (Including the fact that Ruby could potentially be the Doctor’s great-granddaughter.)

For more, find out when the new episode of Doctor Who is out. You can also remind yourself of how to watch Doctor Who Season 14, and take a look at all the Doctor Who Season 14 villains.