Attack on Titan Final Chapters wins surprise 2023 film award

The Attack on Titan Final Chapters just won a surprise 2023 film award from Letterboxd as the top TV movie or special of the year.
2023 was a special year for Attack on Titan as it saw the finale to its decade-long story come to an end, and the Final Chapters was an incredible send-off to the past decade’s most talked about Shonens.
With much praise pouring in for Attack on Titan’s finale, it’s natural that both Chapters were highly rated on Letterboxd, earning itself a rare nod by the site in their 2023 roundup as a result.
Nestled in between many of the best films from 2023 such as Past Lives, Oppenheimer, and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse was Attack on Titan’s swan song.
Sitting at a high 4.4 stars on Letterboxd, Attack on Titan The Final Chapters: 2 won the Highest-rated TV Movie or Special category, with the first part of the special being the second highest rated.
In the list, Letterboxd showcased many of their user’s highest-rated films, with categories spanning from romance to horror.
Naturally, many Attack on Titan fans are celebrating the win, as rarely do animes of AOT’s ilk get any nods in such lists, especially now that the show has come to a close.
As a review of the finale Letterboxd highlighted in their list wrote about the film, “one of those once-in-a-blue-moon shows that, once it’s over, a little bittersweet hole sits in your heart, and you know no much will ever compare to a first-time watch ever again.”
Funnily enough, this wasn’t the only anime that made an appearance in Letterboxd’s lengthy list, as The Boy and The Heron was the second highest-rated animated film behind Spider-verse.