Overwatch: Stunning Widowmaker French ‘Cancan’ skin celebrates her origins

Blizzard is a master of producing intricate skins that give a twist to Overwatch characters based on their origins and the like, but the game’s community sometimes outshine the devs when they make concepts as immaculate as this Widowmaker design.
Overwatch released with 21 heroes in May of 2016, and Blizzard has since added to that roster throughout the years while also supplying their characters with troves of incredible alternate skins that mixes up their traditional look.
Some of the best skins to release in the game explore Overwatch heroes’ pasts to paint them in a new light according to their history or background.

In that regard, artist Floriane Tiam put together a complete look for the game’s long-range assassin that explores her French background by dressing her up in a traditional cancan-inspired design.
The cancan is a classic dance style more notable for the skirts and petticoats that the performers send flying everywhere using high kicks and the like.
While Widow might be too busy popping off heads to get into a whole routine, this skin would be the perfect intro for a new emote to taunt her victims.

Tiam gave Widow an alluring red and black design with fingerless lace gloves and a thigh-high stockings, maybe to distract her victims before they meet their untimely demise.
The skin would also see Widow in a corset skirt and a feathery headpiece that looks enticing, right up until someone notices her intricate rifle that also received a lavish remodelling that compliments her new look.
As for her recon visors, they got a much more subtle vibe now that it got transformed into an elegant masquerade mask that reveals more about her opponent’s than hides her face.

Will Widow get new skins soon?
Although Tiam’s design looks game-ready and would definitely be one of Widow’s more popular designs upon release, time will tell if Overwatch’s upcoming event will have anything new for the assassin.
The Summer Games is expected to start in August, and Widowmaker fans will hope it’ll result in another skin inspired by her home country of France.
Whether its a sporty concept for the Summer Games or a unique twist like Tiam’s Cancan design, Widowmaker is a great character for Blizzard to explore more French-inspired skins.