Xbox 2 Release Date Leaked? | Specs & Price

Paul Cot

Rumors about the Xbox 2 are intensifying. The release date for Microsoft’s new console may have been inadvertently leaked…

Xbox Life Cycle

The OG Xbox One was released all the way back in 2013. As we are approaching 2019 talk of Microsoft’s next console release is a hot topic.

A release date for the reported Xbox 2 has been speculated for a while now. However, a company who work closely with Microsoft may have inadvertently let the release date slip.

What About The Xbox One X?

The upgraded Xbox One X was released in 2017. The slogan for it is “The World’s Most Powerful Console”. Whilst this is strictly true, it hasn’t brought console gaming into true 4k.

Whether this is because of the power of the console itself or development issues is open for debate. Nevertheless, it certainly doesn’t produce a 4k, 60 FPS experience which gamers in 2018 are wanting.

Time for The Xbox 2

The Xbox 2 title hasn’t not been confirmed but this is what gamers are currently calling Microsoft’s next console. Mid-range PC gaming setups are far surpassing the latest generation of consoles so a leaked release date for Xbox 2 (and PS5) is welcomed news.

The PS5 may have been leaked also… Details including specs and price by clicking above.

Xbox Two Release Date

The Xbox Two is reportedly to be released in 2020. This means it will be released in the same year as the PS5, probably relatively close together. Consequently, both will release 7 years after their predecessors.

Source of the Leak

The source of the leak is AMD, the chipset manufacturer for both the Xbox and Playstation. Specifically the two biggest consoles use AMD APUs (accelerated processing units).

An APU is essentially a central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU) combined together. This increases efficiency and saves space which is perfect for console manufacturing.

Moreover, AMD are the only chipset manufacturer to produce APUs. Finally, 99% of AMD’s APU sales come from consoles. All of this important when considering the below quote.

Xbox 2 in 2020 Confirmed Then?

The reason this is relevant is because the AMD CEO, Lisa Su, may have revealed more information that Sony or Microsoft would have wanted her to. She stated that APU sales were down for the year, but expected “significant growth” in 2020.

Putting this together with the facts above almost makes it certain this correlates with console sales. Therefore, it appears very likely that the Xbox 2 and PS5 are scheduled for 2020. Of course this can change at anytime but at least for now 2020 looks to be the year!

Xbox 2 Specs

Our PS5 leak did specify some specs for the PS5. However, nothing has been leaked for the Xbox 2. The PS5 leak stated that the PS5 will have the power to run 4K/60 FPS. Given this, it is almost certain the Xbox 2 will have the same capability.

Xbox 2 Price

It has been suggested the price for the PS5 will be $500. Depending on the specs of the Xbox 2 in comparison to the PS5, and Microsoft’s pricing strategy, we’d expect a similar price.

Xbox 2 News

When news is leaked or announced regarding the Xbox Two, specifically about specs or price, we will update you. For all the latest gaming news you can follow the Dexerto Twitter account.