Frustrated Modern Warfare 3 player tells fans to pick up RoboCop instead

Christopher Baggett
RoboCop: Rogue City and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 key art

Jilted Call of Duty fans are finding a new future in first-person shooters after Modern Warfare 3’s lukewarm reception, and that future is RoboCop: Rogue City.

There’s a new Call of Duty out this week, but fans just aren’t feeling the newest entry, Modern Warfare 3.

There’s already a wave of controversy as fans have requested refunds following the early access period. While many dedicated COD fans are trying to stick it out with Modern Warfare 3, some have expressed discontent with the game’s short single-player campaign and poor stealth mechanics

Modern Warfare 3 players are now looking for other games, and one Call of Duty fan had a surprising suggestion: play the new RoboCop game instead. 

Robocop: Rogue City has better campaign than Modern Warfare 3, according to burned COD fan

Redditor TheBigDawg96 told Call of Duty fans, in no uncertain terms, that the recently released RoboCop: Rogue City had a better campaign than Modern Warfare 3. 

“If you haven’t played the new Robocop game,, I strongly recommend you check it out,” he said in the post on r/gaming titled Robocop > MW3 Campaign. “It blows the MW3 campaign out of the water.”

Many fans in the comments on the post are in agreement. Redditors praised RoboCop: Rogue City for how it handles its campaign and player mechanics over Modern Warfare 3. This isn’t necessarily a new sentiment, as fans who played the RoboCop demo realized the game was better than expected.

“It finally feels good to be clunky.” user JonTheWizard said. 

“$40 less than the Vault edition. Complete story. Fun to play. Get to do a mission involving drug dealers explaining anti trust laws. Sold.” said user DavenSkilynk. 

Still, others took a more practical approach. Many felt it had a better campaign by default, as MW3’s campaign was just that bad.

“Candy Crush has a better campaign than MW3.” said user HumaDracobane.

“Isn’t a very high bar to cross.” said user Kratos_233. 

RoboCop: Rogue City shootout on the MediaBreak set
RoboCop: Rogue City’s violent FPS action may be scratching an itch Modern Warfare can’t.

RoboCop: Rogue City couldn’t thematically be more different from Modern Warfare 3, but it arguably shares an audience. Based on the uber-violent 1980s franchise, Rogue City sees players exploring a semi-open world as the titular cyborg law enforcement officer. 

Much like the original franchise, Rogue City is already receiving praise for its tongue-in-cheek humor and over-the-top violence. We gave it four stars in our review of the game. 

With the early access period behind it, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 releases to the general public on November 10. 

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About The Author

Christopher Baggett started writing about comics on the Internet when he was 14 years old. Since then, he's written professionally for a host of sites, including ComicsBeat, Comic Book Resources, and The HomeWorld. He's most knowledgable about the legacy heroes of the '80s and '90s that he grew up with and believes Wally West is the best Flash - and he'll fight anyone over it. For tips, news, press and more, contact Christopher at