ImperialHal says Revenant could be meta in ALGS with “insane” ultimate

TSM star Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen has backtracked on his previous take on Revenant Reborn, claiming the Apex Legends rework has some “insane” potential and could be used in competitive play.
When Apex Legends first launched, Respawn hardly let a new season go by without adding a new legend into the battle royale.
Fast forward a couple of years, and we’ve had a few seasons without a new legend being added to the mix previously. The newest update, Season 18, has introduced Revenant Reborn, which was initially believed to be a new character but is instead just a rework for Revenant.
When the reworked abilities were first revealed, TSM’s ImperialHal believed that the character had actually been ‘nerfed’ in a way and wouldn’t impact competitive play. Now? Well, he’s changed his mind a bit on that one.
ImperialHal believes Revenant Reborn is viable in ALGS play
Previously, Hal had stated that Revenant Reborn would only get some shine in casual matches and that he “could care less” about it as it wouldn’t play a role in competitive games or the ALGS.
However, during his August 9 stream, he flipped his opinion. “Bro, I’m telling you, Revenant might be the play in Comp,” he said. “The extra shields is kinda insane. Like a raid boss.”
The TSM IGL also implied that mixing Revenant’s Forged Shadows Ultimate – where he blocks damage – with Horizon’s Black Hole Ultimate could be a pretty deadly combination. Which, if true, would impact the competitive meta.
Naturally, Revenant’s rework has shot the terrifying simulacrum to the top of the legend pick rate charts – at least in casual play.
When it comes to the competitive side of things, some teams have tested it out in their trios, but it remains to be seen if Hal is right and if he’ll stick around for the long term.