Apex Legends Revenant animation is hilariously spooking players’ dogs

Theo Salaun
apex legends revenant scaring dogs

Revenant is most certainly Apex Legends’ spookiest character and, as it turns out, multiple clips have proved even his loading screen animation is enough to terrify people’s pets.

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It’s October and that means it’s spooky season. Revenant, a shadowy, skull-faced simulacrum character, has been giving Apex Legends’ players the spooks since his release in February 2020. Now, he appears to be taking aim at those players’ dogs (and trying with their cats), as a recent flurry of clips shows that you don’t need to be a human to get frightened by his menu animation.

In the game’s loading screen, your selected character mulls about casually. For Wraith, that means standing about with a concerned, distressed expression. For Revenant, that means being an absolute nightmare, uncomfortably pacing around, and, suddenly, turning into a shadow and running directly at the screen.

That’s a jump scare and a half for normal people, but even more surprising for unsuspecting dogs who just happen to be staring at the screen wondering what their human is so preoccupied with.

As shown in the most recent clip, what looks like an adult labrador is lying comfortably and watching inquisitively as Revenant paces across the screen. Once the simulacrum starts sprinting toward the camera, a cacophony of laughter erupts from the owner as the dog jumps back and does a full spin into a defensive position.

On high alert, the sweet pup is quickly reassured by an “it’s OK,” from their human and you can, for a brief moment, see a sigh of relief in their eyes.

But this isn’t the only time Revenant has scared dogs and their owners, with others appearing to enjoy the sudden spookiness instead of being too scared by it.

In another clip, a happy corgi sits and watches Revenant until the jump scare, at which point they bounce away in fear. Quickly, they complete their spin and return with a few barks and a wagging tail for good measure.

It appears that pets can get a kick out of October theatrics too. And, further, that corgis may be closer to cats on the spectrum of animal companions, as the latter seem to have no fear of Revenant at all.

Revenant can’t even get to the jump scare against a tiny kitten, as the feline decides it would rather hop up and puts paws on the screen first. The moral of this story is clear: should a phantom simulacrum attack your domicile, your dog will get a little spooked while your cat will throw claws.

Fortunately, none of these pets appear to have suffered any real damage from Revenant’s antics. Now Respawn Entertainment just need to add a new animal character so they can get their virtual revenge.