Hades 2 players split on whether powerful ability from previous game should return

Jessica Filby
hades 2 melinoe

The Hades 2 early access has proven to be a huge success among its players. Now many are calling for a key feature from the previous game to return – but not all agree.

Despite being in early access, Hades 2 has sharply risen in popularity, boasting an impressive player count and a variety of pleased fans. Thanks to its predecessor, many are returning from the original Hades adventure, and are now diving into Melinoe’s story and unique abilities.

However, it seems plenty of the player base is latching onto one key ability they want to see in the sequel, the ability to double dash.

Double dashing was a lifesaver in the original Hades. It helped players get out of tight spots and enabled them to move around a little faster, as sprinting wasn’t an option.

Now, on the Hades Reddit, tons of players are calling for its addition, with many begging Supergiant to revisit the beloved ability.

“Add double dashing to Hades 2 and my life is yours” joked one user, proving just how desperate they are to be able to move faster.

Others were quick to agree, commenting: “Yeah I’m missing that double dash, I might just need to get better utilizing sprint. But double dashing was so good and helpful in the first game.” Thankfully, sprinting is available in Hades 2, meaning you can still get around quicker, but the double dash dodging mechanic was certainly a useful ability.

However, not all players agreed with the post, with many sharing that they’re “a fan of them removing the double dashing – as an option it was way too safe,” highlighting the issues with button mashing in the first game.

Thanks to close-range attacks, constant dodging, and little need for movement, Hades can be a bit of a button-mashing game, while Hades 2 embodies more tactics, magic, and longer range, meaning there may not be the need for a double dash this time around.

Others echoed the same sentiments, adding, “Idk if they will add a double dash, clearly they’ve put a lot of time into sprint, but I wish I didn’t have to hold down the dash button for it to work.”

It’s clear that, while some would love the addition, others are a little hesitant and would rather see sprint receive a few changes than any more dashing abilities.