Ninja shares genius idea for Valorant & Fortnite to help streamers

Brent Koepp

Mixer star Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins had a brilliant suggestion for games like Valorant and Fortnite, and shared it on social media. The proposed feature would change the way streamers and their fans interact.

Ninja is, for many, the face of streaming. The former Halo pro’s dominate rise in Fortnite, and his groundbreaking move in 2019 to leave Twitch for Mixer, has secured him a place at the top of his medium.

However, being that famous has its own setbacks, such as getting to interact with your fans. However on April 30, Ninja had a pretty genius idea that would change the way viewers spend time with their favorite channels.

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Ninja shares interesting feature for games

He uploaded a video to Twitter, and shared his idea for a feature that would allow streamers to play with their fans easily. The Mixer personality explained that he’s played with random players before, and wished he had the ability to team up with them again without adding them to his friends list.

“I just thought of a cool idea that would really benefit a lot of people,” he began. “So you can add them as like a secondary list. So a secondary friends list, the B-list, whatever you want to call it. But it could be a list where you can toggle it on and off. You wouldn’t receive spam messages or invites from them.”

He then continued, “You can switch over to that friends list, and secretly invite them every once in a while. I meet a lot of really cool people, that I would love to not necessarily add to my main list and have them invite me every day.”

Popular streamers unfortunately get flooded with invites all the time, so the new feature would allow personalities to add fans or random people to a second list that gives them control of when someone gets access to them.

Given how big channels on Twitch and Mixer have become, it’s understandable if a famous player doesn’t want to invite new people into their close friends circle. However, Blevins’ idea would make it possible without the headaches.

The Fortnite star perhaps got inspired by a recent experience he had on Riot Games’ Valorant, which he tweeted about on April 29. “Just had one of the most fun streams I’ve ever had with 3 random people I’ve never met,” he said.

About The Author

Brent is a former writer at Dexerto based in the United States, who covered topics such as Pokemon, Gaming, and online Entertainment.