Slept-on Warzone rifle is just like a classic Verdansk favorite

Connor Bennett
FTAC Recon Warzone 2

If you’re looking to freshen up your Warzone loadouts for close-range fights, you may want to look at one ‘slept-on’ rifle that is proving to be “nasty” in Season 6. 

Across the original Warzone and the Warzone we have now, players have been able to tune their loadouts in plenty of different ways to suit their playstyle. 

That’s included turning powerful assault rifles into pseudo-SMGs because they perform better up close, snipers have essentially become shotguns at times, and we’ve even seen semi-automatic pistols being able to delete enemies as fast as some of the best weapons around. 

As Season 6 has brought a fair few weapon changes with it, players have again been experimenting with a fair few under-the-radar guns. That includes the FTAC Recon, which had been a solid option in the past. 

Best FTAC Recon loadout for Warzone Season 6

Now though, according to Warzone guru Metaphor, the battle rifle is best used as a close-range weapon and has even proven to be a bit “nasty” at times. 

“Using this thing as a single-fire DMR is pretty nasty. You can get a lot of kills you wouldn’t expect to get up-close,” the YouTuber said. “Like jumping out of cars and popping people with this thing is so much fun.”

Metaphor isn’t sold on it being a gun for the long-range battles, but it certainly has worth up-close. “I think playing aggressive and getting in people’s faces with this thing is really good. It kind of reminds me of the FAL from Verdansk. It just absolutely rips as a close-range DMR,” he added. 

  • Barrel: Bull Rider 16.5’
  • Optic: VLK 4.0 Optic
  • Stock: PSO Heavy
  • Rear Grip: Sakin ZX Grip
  • Magazine: 15-round mag

 As noted, the FTAC Recon has barely been on anyone’s radar for a while, but it seems like it could be something that freshens things up a little bit. 

The Warzone meta is unlikely to change in any big way before the new update drops in December, so what we’ve got now is what we’re working with for a while.

About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at